Anastasia Shuraeva

Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, August 25, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Seven of Swords

Trust your instincts, Aries. The Seven of Swords shows up when you need to practice caution and be wary of people who may not be as well-intentioned as they portray. Protect yourself, especially from the evil eye. Stick to those you know well and hold your cards close to your chest this coming week. Listen to your gut if it’s telling you that something is off about a person. If it’s someone close to you that you’re doubting, then keep to yourself until you get to the root of that feeling. You may need to be direct and ask for transparency. This card also serves as a warning to be mindful and maintain honesty and integrity in your words and actions. 


Your Card: Two of Cups

The Two of Cups represents deep bonds, harmonious relationships, and strong partnerships. This card is all about compatible energies, mutual trust and respect, and balance and equality within a relationship. It appears as a nudge to strengthen your relationships in love, business, and friendship. Remember that the key to a strong relationship is cooperation, compromise, and open communication—be it romantic, platonic, or professional. Check in with yourself. Are you expressing yourself honestly? Are you receptive to the other person’s ideas? Are you being heard? Are you putting in the work? Invest in your most meaningful connections, whatever those may be. Reaffirm what they mean to you this week. 


Your Card: The Lovers, reversed

The Lovers show up in reversal when you need to restore balance and harmony in your life. It indicates that there may also be something making you feel disconnected from yourself. Take some time today for introspection. What in your life has you feeling so out of alignment? Is it disunity in one of your relationships? Are you spending too much time focusing on work and neglecting your personal life, or vice versa? Is there a situation or a person causing you to feel unlike yourself? Are you sacrificing too much of something? Are there any issues you need to address with anyone close to you? 


Your Card: Page of Cups

Have yourself a little Sunday Funday, Cancer! The Page of Cups wants you to be playful today. Do whatever it is that will bring you joy. Whether that means a boozy brunch, hanging out with your friends, or getting a little creative. The big theme here is allowing your inner child to come out and play. When was the last time you let yourself be led by your curiosity? Indulge your sense of wonder. Dive into your artistic nature. Look for inspiration in the world that surrounds you. If you want to take it easier, put on a good playlist and dance or do some crafts. Whatever you do today, make it beautiful. 


Your Card: Ace of Swords, reversed

Whatever you do this week, don’t shake things up. This means avoiding the following: making any major changes, having any deep conversations, and taking any important decisions. The reversal of the Ace of Swords indicates that there’s a confusion or lack of clarity currently clouding judgment. It would also be wise to keep your intentions guarded for the time being. What you need to do right now is go beyond the surface, gain a deeper understanding, gather the facts, and have a breakthrough. Only then can you figure out your next move. 


Your Card: Three of Swords

The Three of Swords shows up to encourage you to remove sources of anguish, heartbreak, and pain from your life. Whatever loss or disappointment from your past still has your heart wounded, it’s time to make a real effort at healing and moving on from it. Eliminate any situations or relationships that leave you feeling drained or overwhelmed. Release the toxicity. Cut out people who hurt you, can’t support you, and don’t know how to reciprocate. Set the boundaries you need to set to protect your mental well-being. Spend some time today reflecting on what lines you need to draw and what changes you need to make.


Your Card: Ace of Cups, reversed

It’s time to focus on yourself, babe. The reason you haven’t found the love you’re looking for is because you haven’t been nurturing your connection with the person who matters most, yourself. Spend time alone and dive deep. How can you love yourself harder? Are there any emotional blocks you need to address? What in your life leaves you feeling unstable? Do you have unprocessed emotions that need healing? Is there something in your past that drives you to seek out shallow connections? How do you lie to yourself? In what areas of your life do you hold yourself back?


Your Card: The Moon

The Moon dares you to take a step back today and ask yourself what you’re so afraid of. This card is all about exploring the innermost depth of your subconscious mind. What are you hiding from yourself? What truths are you refusing to accept? How do you need to seek clarity? If you’re feeling a bit lost or stuck in the dark, then trust that the Universe is watching out for you, so long as you’re willing to help yourself. It all starts with unraveling the mysterious forces that have a hold on you. It can feel uncomfortable—terrifying, even. But once you face what you need to face, the clarity will take a huge weight off your back.


Your Card: The Magician, reversed

You’re the only person standing in your way. There’s a misalignment in your life currently robbing you of your power. You need to implement some serious changes to take control back of your own life. Let go of self-limiting beliefs and fears that keep you from taking action towards manifesting your dreams. Stop procrastinating. Cut out distractions. Brainstorm ways to realize, and even maximize, your potential. You’ve never been one who’s afraid to take risks, so why not be bold? That self-doubt you’re carrying isn’t you, Sag. Put yourself out there and chase after your desires. Just some food for thought.


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

It’s a well-known fact that you’re one of the hardest workers of the zodiac. You’re ambitious and always prioritize your goals. You don’t give up in the face of challenges and obstacles. Your determination is unwavering. Others are starting to take notice. The Three of Pentacles shows that you’re soon to get some well-deserved recognition. This might come in the shape of a cool opportunity, promotion, or raise. You deserve this, Capricorn. Now more than ever, it’s important that you don’t lose sight of the prize. The career of your dreams will be yours if you keep going the way you’ve been going. 


Your Card: Five of Swords

Today might prove quite a bit of a challenge, but it’s nothing that you can’t overcome. Most likely, you’ll be dealing with a conflict or hardship of some kind. Whatever the case is, don’t allow yourself to doubt your abilities and resilience. It may feel overwhelming at the moment, but you have the power to take control of the situation and tip the scales back in your favor. If it’s tension with another person, be sure to assert your feelings and needs. Don’t react, but respond. If it’s another challenge you’re facing, take some time to come up with a strategic plan. 


Your Card: Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is a card of healing and self-love. She wants you to honor your emotions. When she appears, it’s a sign to slow down and go inward. There’s something that you need to process, whether you realize it or not. These wounds or feelings that you have yet to confront may be manifesting themselves in unhealthy or insidious ways in your life. Tune into your soul and figure out what they are. Practice self-compassion as certain feelings or fears rise to the surface. It’s going to be okay, Pisces. Letting yourself even feel them is a major step.