Vinicius Wiesehofer

Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, March 17, 2024


Your Card: The Chariot

You’ve planned out every single detail and have prepared for this moment. Now is the time to take the first step. The thing about manifesting what we want is that it still requires action. Many have the false impression that hoping and wishing for the things we want is enough for the universe to make it a reality. But you can’t sit around and expect things to fall into your lap. That’s not the way the world works. But you are no stranger to taking action, Aries. Perhaps you’ve been second-guessing yourself more than usual. Don’t allow this to hold you back. With The Chariot card, you are in control of your destiny. 


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

You have a lot of ideas and creative visions to offer the world, yet nothing seems to be coming to fruition. As I’m writing this, “Vienna” by Billy Joel started playing and there’s a line from this song that I believe is quite relevant to you, Taurus. “Slow down you’re doing fine, you can’t be everything you want to be before your time.” With that said, there’s an important lesson here that you should listen to. We as members of the human experience have a common saying, that life is short. But the thing is, you have a lot more time than you think Taurus. The strange yet poetic thing about life is that it is both short and incredibly long and winding. Right now, slow down, pace yourself, everything will come in good time. Take it one day at a time. 


Your Card: The Hierophant

Something came to mind when I pulled your card, Gemini. That with great genius comes great instability. You may be getting ahead of yourself, entangled in the webs you’ve spun for yourself. Dial it back a bit. The Hierophant is a sign that there are greater things in this universe and we are just pieces of it. That is not to say that we as individuals aren’t important, what I mean is to humble yourself. Why? Because grandiosity will only lead to disappointment today. Alright, babe, best of luck to you. 


Your Card: Two of Swords

Protect your inner peace. Today you can take a breather and pause for a little bit. Today marks the calm before the storm. Prepare yourself for the road that lies ahead. The waters will only be rough for a little while. Life may be intense but you will find stillness yet again as we approach the astrological new year. 


Your Card: The Moon

The past is finally catching up with you profoundly, emotionally, and spiritually. You tend to be rather hard-headed and stubborn and others find it difficult to get through to you. But today, the seeds of messages others have planted are taking root and you find yourself reconsidering how you’ve gone about life thus far. There is some validity in the things that people are telling you. A good rule of thumb is when multiple people are saying the same thing about you, there is truth to it. Guilt and remorse might be catching up with you today but embrace this. Forgive yourself without forgetting the things that you’ve learned. 


Your Card: Seven of Swords

Sometimes you believe that pessimism is more realistic than optimism. Why? Is it easier for you to believe that people and life will naturally disappoint you just so you can turn around and say “See, I was right!” But with the Seven of Swords, I might argue that this disappointment you keep facing is of your own making to a certain extent. People and life are not black and white. Neither are you. Perception is a funny thing. Beware the dangers of continuing down this path because once you realize you truly are the maker of your destiny, it becomes more and more difficult to break yourself out of this cycle of pessimism. Today, start to ask yourself if you’re seeing things correctly.


Your Card: King of Pentacles

When I pulled your card, “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now” by The Smiths started playing. At first, I thought nothing of it but now I realize it makes sense. He sings “I was looking for a job and then I found a job and heaven knows I’m miserable now. In my life, why do I give valuable time to people who don’t care if I live or die?” With the King of Pentacles, you seem to be in a place where you have found society’s definition of “balance”. A good job, good friends, stability, but why isn’t this enough? We tend to focus on what we’re lacking. Once we have the things that we want, we still want more. We’re always looking forward to tomorrow and the next day and the next. Remember Libra, material success does not equate to lifelong happiness. You may be feeling disconnected from yourself and what truly matters to you. Some of the richest men have the smallest wallets. 


Your Card: Six of Wands

Today you might find yourself waking up feeling more energized than usual. You’re the kind of person who will have a great day, while everyone around you is miserable. This might annoy others today. Misery loves company but that doesn’t mean you need to oblige. Some people today might see your happiness and envy it. They might try to pull you down in their misery. Don’t let this happen. You can uplift others without absorbing their energy. Preserve this energy you’re projecting today. Keep it for yourself.


Your Card: Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups sits upon her thrown, positioned on the shore where the water touches her feet before rolling back into the sea. She exists on the edge of consciousness and the subconscious. She is the place where feelings and thoughts both exist. With her presence, you are being called reflect, Sagittarius. It’s not good to be overly emotional while simultaneously it’s also not good to be too analytical and logical. True intuition exists when we learn to balance both emotions and logic. Take some time to truly dive into how you are feeling, and ask yourself if your motives are merely emotional justifications in disguise.


Your Card: The Lovers

Today is an interesting day for you. It is a day in which you will not be motivated by your natural competitiveness or your need to prove yourself to doubters, but rather, you will find yourself motivated by the feeling of pure love. You tend to be driven by resentment or betrayal, promising yourself that the best form of revenge, is success. And while anger is a great motivator, love is even more powerful because it allows us to understand ourselves better. 


Your Card: Temperance

With the Temperance card, today you are experiencing a moment of peace and tranquility. You’ve been through a period of contemplation and change that has allowed you to transform into a better version of yourself. But with that said, in the major arcana, what comes after Temperance is The Devil card. I must warn you that even though we change a little bit every day, it can be easy to slip back into old habits and ways of being that no longer service ourselves. Take some time to understand how your mind works while you have this moment of inner balance in peace. Today you can be more objective with yourself and be more self-aware. However, once we face temptation, it is easy for our subconscious to take hold and trick us into thinking what we are doing is right when we’re just repeating old cycles.


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

You will find that today, and in the days to come, a common theme for you will be the things that you are passionate about and care about the most. You might find yourself retreating from your typical social settings and scenes more than usual. But this is easy for you Pisces. You rather enjoy your alone time. It allows you to recharge your battery. But instead of recharging your battery to have the energy to give to others and spend your time making your boss money, you will instead find yourself conserving this energy and investing it into yourself. You’re not being selfish because you must allow your dreams to prosper and come true. However, this won’t happen unless you allow yourself the space to do so.