Irena Sable

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, October 17, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Page of Pentacles, reversed

The Page of Pentacles reversed asks you to identify the source of your lack of focus. Is it stress? Poor sleep? Loss of inspiration? Distractions ? Your personal life? Youā€™ve lost sight of what matters the most to youā€”your goals and aspirations. Today, think about what external factors are preventing you from giving it your all the way you usually do. Maybe you just havenā€™t allowed yourself a proper break recently, in which case you need to allow yourself to recharge.Ā 


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles wants you to put yourself out there these coming weeks. This card indicates a high potential for opportunity and expansion, so make yourself noticed. Pitch your ideas in the workplace. Offer your coworkers your help. Spruce up your resume. Present your creative projects. Apply to a new role. Join a class or club. Resist the urge to be a homebody this weekend, and get out there and meet people. Not only could you make great networking connections, but meeting someone could be the beginning of an amazing romance.


Your Card: Six of Wands, reversed

Donā€™t be too hard on yourself today, Gemini. You might experience a setback or make a mistake of some sort. Whatever obstacle you come across, itā€™s going to shake your confidence a bit. Be careful not to let this erode your internal sense of achievement or make you foster doubt about your capabilities. Itā€™s completely normal to face bumps and challenges along the way. Itā€™s not the trying and failing that defines us, but what we do after. Choose to try again, and never lose faith in yourself.


Your Card: Five of Wands, reversed

What have you been avoiding lately, Cancer? The Five of Wands shows up in reverse to urge you to stop. Whatever it is, the situation can no longer go unacknowledged or unaddressed. If thereā€™s a tough conversation youā€™ve been putting off, have it. Finally make the decision youā€™ve been abstaining from out of fear or confusion. Be direct and ask the questions you need to ask to find the answers you seek. Be honest with yourself about the reality youā€™ve been running away from. Confront the issues youā€™ve been sidestepping head-on.Ā 


Your Card: Four of Wands, reversed

Thereā€™s a serious source of disharmony in your life, Leo. It could be in your home, family, work, or romantic life. Address any tension you may have with those close to you. If you and your significant other havenā€™t been on the same page, itā€™s time to come to a compromise. Be honest with your friends and family about how youā€™re feeling, if youā€™ve been on the outs with any of them lately. Address concerns you may have with your boss or coworkers.Ā Ā 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles, reversed

Thereā€™s a serious imbalance in your life that you need to address before it gets the best of you. Reprioritize or delegate, if youā€™ve been spreading yourself too thin. Maybe youā€™ve been neglecting your personal life in favor of your work life, or vice versa. You could be feeling drained and overwhelmed, in which case, itā€™s time to give yourself a good break. Spend some time today on how you could be doing a better job at incorporating self-care into your routine. Are there some areas in your life you need to cut back on?Ā 


Your Card: Judgment, reversed

Take accountability for where you find yourself now, Libra. The reversal of Judgment wants you to recognize that your predicament is your own doing. If you feel confined or stagnant, itā€™s because youā€™re not doing everything possible in your power to leave this place. Itā€™s time to start taking a more proactive role in your own life. Itā€™s your own fear, self-doubt, behavioral patterns, and self-limiting beliefs that stop you from grasping true fulfillment. Your job today is to journal about how youā€™re going to take control of your own life, and all the reasons you can.Ā 


Your Card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed

The Eight of Pentacles represents dedication, hard work, and accomplishment. When it shows up in reverse, it can be a sign that you need to take a step back and allow yourself to rest. Youā€™ve been placing consistent effort into your goals, but if youā€™re not careful, your tenacity can lead to burnout. Make it a point tonight, or even this weekend, to focus entirely on self-care and rejuvenation. Partake in activities that bring you joy and comfort. Relax a little. Do nothing. Focus on recharging and nurturing your inner being.Ā 


Your Card: Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles shows up as a promise that you can manifest whatever you set out for. Whatever you desire can be yours. Those big dreams you have can come true, so long as you put in the hard work. It would serve you well to carve out some time today to set some intentions surrounding any and all aspects of your lifeā€”work, home, love, family, wealth. Be specific. Visualize it as if itā€™s already yours. Be willing to do what it takes tomorrow.Ā 


Your Card: Four of Swords

The Four of Swords is a sign from the Universe to slow down. It can be hard for you to set work aside, especially when what you do is your passion, but if you keep going the way youā€™re going, youā€™re going to exhaust yourself into a serious burnout. You need a huge dose of relaxation. Take a proper break. Worry about nothing but ridding yourself of tension and stressā€”if not today, then this weekend. Relax. Rest. Recharge. Donā€™t look at your inbox. Allow yourself to be a little lazy. Dim the lights, light some candles, and just chill.


Your Card: Knight of Cups

Youā€™re never making a mistake, so long as youā€™re letting your heart lead the way. So, stop worrying about the worst that could happen, and start thinking about the best thing that could. You can either let go of your fears, or you can live in regret wondering ā€œwhat if.ā€ Say the words youā€™ve been holding back. Tell them how you feel. Make that choice youā€™ve been avoiding because youā€™ve been so scared of making a mistake. Go after what (or who) you want. Donā€™t put it off any longer. Act today.


Your Card: King of Pentacles, reversed

Your focus today should be organizing your thoughts and reprioritizing. The King of Pentacles reversed suggests that youā€™re currently struggling with stability or a solid foundation. This is especially true when it comes to finances. Self-reflect on matters of managing your resources. Do you have a game plan for paying off your debt? Could you be doing a better job of budgeting? What changes could you implement to save more? Are you recklessly spending?