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Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: The Wheel of Fortune

Luck abounds today. The Wheel of Fortune is spinning in your favor as the Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini. This lucky transit means everything you touch will turn to gold, so maybe go buy a lottery ticket. Be your naturally audacious self and say yes to all opportunities. They have the potential to bring long-term success. Even if the Wheel of Fortune throws you a curveball, swing for the fence because you can still knock it out of the park. 


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

When a golden Ace drops into your lap, take it! This is your moment to make money moves, invest wisely, and maybe even get a promotion. If unexpected funds show up today, consider how you can make your money grow rather than going on a shopping spree. It’s a great day to make a budget, ask for a raise, and open a savings account. By making your money work harder, you can spend more time doing what you do best: lounging in the lap of luxury. 


Your Card: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords suggests that your mind is especially sharp today, allowing you to cut through the noise and make well-informed decisions. The conjunction of Mercury in Aries sextiling Pluto in Aquarius supercharges your brain, encouraging reflection and deep contemplation. Not only will you be able to remember your online passwords and drop pearls of wisdom into the group chat, but you may find yourself contemplating life, the universe, and everything. With your brain switched to genius mode, you may actually figure it out.


Your Card: Knight of Wands

Go for it! That’s the message of this card. While you love hanging out in your shell, the Knight of Wands is charging toward you. He urges you to break up with your routine and do something completely unexpected, whether it’s sending that text you’ve been overthinking or signing up for a dance class. Getting out of your comfort zone may make you uneasy, but embrace that feeling of uncertainty and have fun. At the end of the day, when you’re back home and safely in your PJs, you will be glad you did. 


Your Card: The Chariot

Are you ready to grab the reins and take control of your destiny? Of course, you are, you feisty lion! You’re not any old driver: you are the Queen of the Zodiac. Even a galloping chariot won’t knock your crown off. This card urges you to be confident and take control of the wheel, but don’t get distracted or you may end up doing doughnuts in the parking lot. Sure, it’s fun, but you need to stay focused. The road ahead may be bumpy, but you have the driving skills to take the checkered flag. 


Your Card: The Lovers

Today Mercury in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, creating a desire for deep, emotional connection. The Lovers recognizes this need and encourages you to be more forthcoming about your feelings. Additionally, it advises you to trust your gut rather than your logic, especially in romantic relationships. If you feel safe and comfortable with someone, does it really matter if they like pineapple on their pizza? Sometimes, the right choice is simply the one that feels right. 


Your Card: Knight of Pentacles  

An efficient and prudent knight, the Knight of Pentacles races in with a special message: slow down and focus on the smaller details. This is the knight of consistency and patience, which aligns perfectly with your uncanny analyzation skills and your powerful sense of balance. Whether it’s a work project, a relationship, or a personal goal, take no shortcuts right now. While the pace may feel slow, taking care of the small things, like watering your plants, will not only make you feel accomplished, but lead to rewards down the road


Your Card: King of Pentacles

A generous and wealthy king, the King of Pentacles reminds you that have the skills to pay the bills. He encourages you to manifest your dreams and become the CEO of your own life by taking ownership and making smart, strategic decisions. Additionally, this card often represents a mentor with wealth and wisdom who will help you achieve success. If a mentor with deep pockets enters your life today, don’t be afraid to take their advice or money. However, always remember that you’re the one in control of your future


Your Card: King of Cups

The King of Cups asks you to check in with yourself today. Normally, you’re the one running off to the next big adventure and not always checking in with your emotions. You don’t want to end up on a cruise ship with no luggage but emotional baggage, do you? This card urges you to contemplate the space between action and feeling. Rather than being on the go all day, take some time to meditate and journal. Instead of booking that next flight, consider relaxing in a hammock with a good book. 


Your Card: The High Priestess

While you’re known for your grounded and practical nature, the High Priestess invites you to rely on your intuition today. For you, this will feel icky and weird, but the High Priestess is a powerful message of divine feminine intuition, so just try it, for Pete’s sake. Abandon all of your to-do lists and do what feels right today. If that means binge-watching an entire series on Netflix or buying those adorable bright green boots, despite knowing that they match nothing in your wardrobe, trust that you are making the right decision for yourself. 


Your Card: The Knight of Cups

The Romeo of the tarot just slid into your DMs. You may feel like you’re in a romantic comedy today. While you’re focused on solving all the problems, this knight is urging you to let your hair down so that he can hand you a rose and take you on a date to look at the stars. Sure, it sounds ridiculous, but he’s pretty charming. Don’t be surprised if you receive love letters, romantic proposals, or just lots of affection today. This card is the equivalent of being swept off your feet, so say hello to Cupid for us. 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

Today, the Two of Pentacles asks you to balance your dreamy side with the real world. While you love drifting on a floatie in the warm creative waters of the pool in your mind palace, there are some urgent responsibilities that need your attention. Stay flexible, today, and make sure you handle your business, especially work tasks. There will be plenty of time to daydream, after you’ve paid the light bill and submitted your expense reports.