Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Your Card: Three of Wands
The best is yet to come. Today reminds you that you’ve done all that you need to. Now, remain patient as your rewards are coming to find you. There’s no need to strain, push, or add more pressure. To do so would not only be pointless but lead you to competitive thinking and paranoia. Rather, trust in the process. What you’ve worked hard for is already yours. It’s just a matter of when not if.
Your Card: The Lovers
Today, it’s critical to remain intact with your values. Decisions appear, presenting a fork in the road. Choose the option of your Higher Self rather than fleeting temptation. There’s more growth found in the latter. When you stay true to yourself, you’ll find amazing growth. Relationships deepen, as trust and respect have been upheld. When in doubt, find power in the pause. There’s no reason to rush on this Tuesday.
Your Card: Judgment
You’re able to step back and see the bigger picture. Today, you’re wiser, stronger, and capable. Circumstances that would have tricked you in the past are no match for you now. Holding to maturity and lessons learned, you pass a spiritual test. In turn, you trust your discernment and how far you’ve come.
Your Card: Page of Wands
New opportunities find you. Rather than staying true to what you know, dare to peer into uncharted territory. Childlike passion rekindles your interests. While it may feel unpredictable, the best things often are. Lean into your creativity, talents, and desires. Sometimes, it’s not about being so calculated or serious. Your instincts are telling you to act now, follow your pleasure, and lead with your heart. Trust it.
Your Card: The Devil
You feel stuck or trapped in your situation. It’s important to see things as they are, rather than getting lost in what you hope they can become. Codependency will always drown your spirit. Regardless of whether it is a person, substance, job, or habit, don’t tolerate becoming unhealthily dependent. Today, break the invisible chains. Allow yourself to practice autonomy, liberating yourself from escapism.
Your Card: Seven of Swords
Something feels off. Trust that instinct. The Seven of Swords visits, suggesting beating around the bush or sneakiness. There’s no need to lie to yourself. Additionally, if something feels strange about another person, don’t practice blind trust. Look deeper, ask more questions, and resource yourself to feel safe and secure. Whether you or another are telling white lies or outright deceiving, this behavior will come to light this Tuesday.
Your Card: Four of Pentacles
You’re holding on with a tight grip. Whatever you believe you need to anxiously cling to is bringing you a false sense of security. There’s more to life than this feeling. Let go and see what naturally occurs when you don’t try to impose your will. Life will take you where you need to be and who you need to be with. Resist the temptation to allow anxiety to take control. Find trust in a power greater than yourself again. Worry less. This circumstance is beyond your rule.
Your Card: Four of Cups
Sometimes, we block our blessings by getting caught up in situations that were never meant for us. Today, try to look for the silver lining. There’s little reward in pining. Rather, open your eyes. You’re likely to find that blessings are trying to reach you, but you’re keen on pushing them out or away. Not getting what you thought you wanted is a blessing in disguise. Depending on how quickly you can believe this, you’ll come to find a true gift is available for you immediately.
Your Card: The Magician
Keep your eyes on the prize. What you want is yours, if you only believe it. The Magician invites you to manifest your reality today. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you get what you were just thinking about. However, this can apply to the good or bad. Keep in control of your focus. Should you believe every thought that passes your mind, you’ll be running in circles.
Your Card: Five of Swords
There’s no need to tolerate disrespect. Not from loved ones, bosses, coworkers, family, not anyone. You have every right to draw the line. Boundaries are important in situations where you feel slighted to ensure you remain true to yourself. There’s a competitive circumstance that hurts your feelings or trust today. Don’t lean into submission or being passive. Speak your truth, as you’re in no need of accepting mistreatment.
Your Card: Knight of Wands
Slow down. Running around like a madman doesn’t bring the results you’re looking for. It makes others observing you nervous to trust in your judgment. Today, find the balance between passion and aggressiveness. You have every right to want what you want. However, how you approach others and take action towards your intentions does matter. Remember to remain true to basic social skills, even when frustrated, excited, or impatient.
Your Card: Strength
You feel on top of your game today. Strength visits you today, inviting deeper confidence. You’re taming your fears. Rather than letting them control you, you’re mindfully directing them. While ego flair-ups are normal, you’re able to keep yourself in check. Your high self-awareness and compassion are impressive. Allow yourself to focus on how great you are, how far you’ve come, and how mature you’re being.