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Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Strength

There’s power in keeping your composure as a storm brews within. Despite external circumstances, you handle life with maturity and grace. Today may test you. However, you have the internal resources to persevere. Emotional intelligence will bring you everything you seek. Don’t worry about outside noise and opinions. You know who you are and that’s all that matters.


Your Card: Eight of Pentacles

To get where you want to be, you need to invest the time and energy. Hours become days. Days become months. Months become years. And before you know it, the future has become the present. Excuses don’t cut it today. There’s a need for responsibility, focus, and perseverance. Perfecting your craft should be your utmost priority.


Your Card: The Tower Reversed

Catch yourself before you fall. You’re just on the edge of falling back into negative patterns. However, with The Tower Reversed, you see matters as they are. Self-destruction is prevented. Impulsive choices leading to dead ends are diverted. Avoiding rock bottom is about protecting your energy. As you navigate today, remember not to make uncertainties worse by adding more negativity.


Your Card: Four of Wands

A happy milestone is celebrated today. Whether you get the job, rejoice in a great date, or reach a personal goal, bask in the positivity. Don’t breeze past this moment. A party, dinner, or gathering is in order. Invite your closest supporters to toast to your growth. One of the easier days of your life, this Wednesday only requires presence. As you glow, you attract auspicious results.


Your Card: The Hermit Reversed

There’s a time and place for reflection and solitude. However, too much of anything can quickly become a bad thing. Today, it’s time to stop internalizing. Biting your tongue, overthinking, or keeping your thoughts to yourself isn’t the answer. You need to get on the same page with others outside of yourself. Don’t isolate yourself when you really need a hug. Intimacy, connections, and being understood is an important component of happiness.


Your Card: Three of Cups

Today, there’s a social buzz in the air. You’re seeking the fun, pleasure, and connection that only friendship can deliver. Invite acquaintances to go out for some weekday fun. Set plans for the near future. Being too serious too often kills our creativity and presence. Your inner child needs a play date. There are many positive memories made on this Wednesday. Don’t underestimate the power of community and belonging.


Your Card: The Moon

Mystery can be alluring. However, it can also come with its fair share of anxiety and fears. Things aren’t certain today. However, the best thing you can do is tap into your intuition. While your mind will feel like it’s in a fog, your gut will steer you where you belong, so long as you listen. It’s important to take your time to process your emotions. There’s no need to rush into anything until you feel good and ready.


Your Card: Five of Pentacles Reversed

Your anxiety is telling you that you’re about to lose it all. Challenge these thoughts. We all have our days of insecurity or a lack mindset. What gets us back on track is validating these emotions while looking at matters objectively. While unfortunate things can happen, so can really unexpected positive ones. Don’t sell yourself or your experience short. There’s no need to believe its worst case scenario.


Your Card: The Chariot Reversed

Being out of touch with your motivation can feel tricky. Be patient with yourself. Reacting out of impulsivity can steer you in the wrong direction. Competitiveness may taint your experience today. Whether you’re feeling the envy, or someone else has caught a case of the green monster, remain impartial. While it’s human nature to experience these emotions, we can be intentional with how we deal with them.


Your Card: The World

You get a taste of the fulfilled end picture. You are on the track to greatness. A positive confidence boost finds you today. You’re exactly where you need to be. There’s always more room for growth, but appreciate how far you’ve come. At one point, you were praying for the circumstances you experience today. This Wednesday treats you well. Enjoy the relief and relax into the truth that it’s all going according to plan.


Your Card: Four of Swords Reversed

Rest and recharge are essential to replenish your spirit. However, there’s a fine line between that and stagnancy. It’s time to get back to the drawing board. You start today not feeling completely yourself. Your mind makes you feel paralyzed or idle. Don’t lean into negativity. Movement, taking action, and open communication resolve any mental warfare. Get out of your mind. Begin to resume motion, in any manner or direction.


Your Card: King of Pentacles

Feeling established and secure, today grants you feelings of strength. Your experience speaks for itself. It makes any circumstance that comes up today easy to resolve and understand. Being equipped for the tasks at hand brings a sense of pride. The prize is all yours. Others see you as reliable, resourced, and capable. The best part? You see yourself this way as well. Great things come to those who preserve and are patient.