The 10 Most Attractive Things Women Can Do On The First Date

The 10 Most Attractive Things You Could Possibly Do During The First Date

“When I can tell she wants me and not that she wants a boyfriend. Sometimes it feels like the person just really wants a boyfriend and is somewhat of holding a job interview to determine if I am suitable for the position. I don’t want that. If I can tell she just wants to be with me because she wants to be around me, that’s when I feel attracted. It could be any little thing, like initiating hand holding, her extending the date to suggest a walk, or even just a look in their eyes. One of my biggest insecurities is that someone is just tolerating me, if I pick up that sense on a date it will immediately kill any vibe I had and make me withdraw.” — kanst

“Actually engage and seem like you want the date to go well, rather than showing up with the demeanor of Simon Cowell on American Idol: ‘Okay fine, I’m here, impress me.’ Yes, you probably have a ton of choices. I get it. Thing is, forming connections is a two way street, and if you let your abundance of choices fool you into thinking you don’t need to reciprocate effort, your dates will always seem disappointing, even if they had the potential to be great if properly nourished with mutual effort. Also, don’t assume the guy is going to pay for you. You can accept if he offers and you’re comfortable with it, but never treat it as a given. Entitlement is deeply unattractive.” — APetitePig

“Being authentic. My wife told me her flaws on our first date, told me her dating history etc. All these things that she was horrified to say but was so tired of the dating scene that she just felt like getting it all out up front. I found it so authentic and courageous, a person that wanted to be herself and didn’t want to fake it for anyone any longer.” — frocketgaming

“Laugh genuinely. Obviously this requires whoever their dating to be funny but when it happens it’s hot.” — Puzzleheaded-Act-804

“Speak passionately about something she loves that isn’t her ex.” — mackxzs

“Holding my hand whilst walking back from the date. I don’t care how the date went, but if you’re grabbing my hand to hold it whilst walking I just melt completely. I find that kind of confidence the most attractive thing ever.” — dragon90898

Accidental hand brushing. That shit 100% of the time blew my innocent ass away.” — theminh95

“Chivalry aside, the little eye contact/lip bite thing some women do should be banned as a pick up tactic for being far too effective. I will be color blind to every red flag the second that happens.” — Ro7ard

“Try and be positive and optimistic about life. I know everyone has insecurities and baggage that they carry, but rather reveal those in layers than literally offloading on the first date.” — thirdworldfever

“I love when someone just makes an effort. I’ve had dates where people look like they wandered off the street but I always remember the people who just made an effort to look nice.” — alienalf1

“When they put their phone away and don’t feel the need to have it facing up/open and aren’t constantly on it in a moment of silence etc or pause.” — noahhenry118