The 20 biggest mistakes fathers make with their daughters
ian dooley

The 20 Relationship-Ruining Mistakes Fathers Make With Their Daughters

If you’re going to have a child, you need to treat them right. Here are the biggest mistakes fathers make, according to daughters:

“Not listening and acting when your child says no. I’m not talking about issues of health and safely but more general ‘I don’t want to be tickled right now’ or ‘please don’t call me that nickname you think is cute but I’ve told you I dislike.’ She HAS TO be able to trust that the first important man in her life will listen when she expresses what she will and won’t consent to.” — wi2ny05

“The one mistake my dad made was not really being present. A lot of the memories I have of him are him watching TV or being on the computer and not having time to play with me, he always said he’s too tired or he’ll come play later but then he never did. So since we never really bonded when I was little we weren’t all that close as I grew older either.” — katie__kat

“I would say the way you treat your wife is a reflection of the relationships your daughter will probably default toward in the future. If you treat your wife kindly, like a person who is worthy of respect and care, your daughter is likely to find a partner who does the same for her. If you don’t, the reverse becomes more probable.” — Specialist-Strain502

“Not controlling your temper. Even if you are someone who would never put your hands on her, it’s still scary. You can always use your size and voice to win arguments so you have to make an active effort to never pick up those ‘tools’ because they will always enable you to win. Even if she knows she is safe with you it is still scary and lowers self-esteem.” –  NoAnything1731

“Making fun when your small daughter is having big feelings. I got so furiously frustrated when my parents wouldn’t listen to what I was trying to tell them and my dad just loooooved to mock my crying or squeaky ‘upset’ voice back at me. It made me so hurt and angry to not only be ignored and patronized, but actively MOCKED when I tried to communicate. Now as an adult I don’t bother trying to share anything with them.” — Not_a_werecat

“My dad never complimented me. He never called me beautiful, or intelligent, or talented, or kind, or anything. And I was. I was a lovely, smart, motivated, talented kid. But I was deeply insecure. I think a little encouragement from love would’ve done me so much good.” — pralineislife

“Having any sort of reaction to her getting attention from boys is wrong. My dad was always super polite to my boyfriends growing up and it made me feel comfortable in my own house and put me in a better position to deal with them.” — NoAnything1731

“Getting angry for something the kid doesn’t know, and never teaching it (not before and not even after getting angry).” — yoyuayu

“Not having anything to do with their daughters because the dad ‘doesn’t have anything in common with a girl.’ This goes double if a son shows up and the dad is really involved in the son’s life.” — Dangerous_Contact737

“Literally knowing nothing about their daughter’s lives. Those ‘funny’ videos where they ask fathers basic questions – like what is their daughter’s birthday, or eye color, or school, and the dads have no idea are not at all funny. I love my dad but he can’t tell you anything about me – even the name of the place I’ve worked for over 6 years.” — Lazylioness17

“All of a sudden treating her differently when she gets older and starts to develop, or starts to form her own opinions and isnt just a sweet adoring little girl anymore.” —  NoAnything1731

“Not teaching us the same things they teach their sons, like car maintenance, building shit, power tools, etc.” — Neonpantsuit

“Expecting your daughter to do all the (physical and mental) labor your wife does when your wife is not around.” — tech-priestess

“Acting like periods are disgusting. My dad was so embarrassed he wouldn’t even put sanitary towels through with the normal shopping. At 11 I had to go to a separate checkout to him to buy them I was so embarrassed at that age because he’d accidentally made me feel like it was something terrible to do.” — miabella2910

“Thinking that you daughters emotional needs are being met by her mother. Even if mom and daughter are very close and talk often, it is still important to ask your daughter about her day, her relationships, her triumphs and struggles. My mom is my best friend, but our relationship was more volatile than my relationship with my dad and I was scared of disappointing her. My dad was often neutral territory and got to hear all the gossip before mom did. My dad was awesome!” — bustopygritte

“Not apologizing or taking accountability for making mistakes, everything was always everyone else’s fault… which means we now have a surface level relationship because he could never be open or self reflective.” — OkCat1984

“Doubting the sincerity/professionalism/skill of other women they encounter because they’re women.” — LVII

“Assuming the daughter will ‘marry well’ so he puts less effort and resources towards her education.” — usuckreddit

“Not understanding that you are more than capable of making such poor decisions that you lose your child’s love, trust and loyalty and that they may never want to speak to you again. – from a daughter who doesn’t speak with her dad because of the choices he made.” — WoodedSpys

“My dad never prioritized his health or his finances adequately. He passed from a heart attack and left a massive amount of debt behind. I’ll miss him every day and always wonder why he did things the way he did.” — lizardjizz