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The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Most Affected By The Pisces Stellium

Soon we will be in a Pisces stellium, with the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn, all in Pisces. The Saturn transit will give us the harsh reality check we need, to actually go after our dreams and the Mercury transit will allow us to really express ourselves and tell people how we feel.

With all that being said, these are the 3 zodiac signs who are going to be the most affected by the stellium:


This time is all about tough love, Virgo. Mercury rules over you, which means during this time you’re feeling a lot more confident speaking up about who and what you want. Not only that, but you are letting go of the people and things that no longer serve you. You’re finally feeling good enough to ask for your needs to be met. You deserve it.


Aquarius season recently ending left you feeling like a completely different person. Since things have changed so much for you, it would be a good idea to focus on creating some stability and balance. Be honest with yourself about the relationships in your life, your career, and your finances. Endings can be tough but new beginnings are always around the corner.


This is a crucial time for you, Pisces. With Mercury in Pisces, you are really peeling back all your layers to show who you are and really expressing yourself now. You are feeling more engaged and courageous enough to follow through with your dreams, thanks to Saturn in Pisces. You are the star of the show during this stellium!