Mihai Vlasceanu

The 4 ‘Late Bloomer’ Zodiacs


Libra blooms late because everyone thinks they play it too safe. They follow the rules, don’t rock the boat, or make drastic attempts to capture everyone’s attention. They kind of just skip over the bratty phase of the teenage years into the early twenties, and maintain that solid stance on life. They are the most reliable friends, and never find a need to try on different styles or personalities. They know who they are and what they like, and stick to it, even if others find it boring at the time. They will gain a reputation for their consistency, and by the time the rest of the world has “found themselves”, people will start to finally appreciate the fact that Libra was never lost to begin with.


Pisces is a late bloomer because they take their time sharing themselves with the world. They’re like a dish that needs to marinate or ferment in order to develop maximum flavor. All of the thoughts and daydreams bouncing around inside their minds is developing a character, a way of seeing the world that is so different from everyone else’s. Once they finally decide to share that perspective with the world, usually in adulthood, is when everyone can stop equating Pisces few words for lack of interesting things to say and finally appreciate everything that’s been happening inside that crazy imaginative brain of theirs. Pisces lives in a world of their own creating, but once they open the doors to the public, they’re usually shocked at how many people want admission.


Aquarius is a late bloomer because so much of their personality is about taking action and accountability. They feel stifled in childhood and adolescence where the majority of their life is guided by decisions made by parental and authority figures. They don’t have time to deal with being grounded, they just want to mold the world into its ideal shape. They often make detailed and specific plans for their futures. Picking out schools and careers that will fulfill their need for control and action. They want to be out and involved in the world, not merely following someone else’s directions. Once they get the chance to do so, it’s like they’re immediately thrust into the spotlight and born for the stage. They’ve spent their whole life preparing for autonomy.


Capricorn in the dedicated student and teachers pet that everyone teases. They are just so focused on the tasks in front of them, they don’t have time to partake in typical high school slacking or the college party scene. So by the time they begin their first steps into a career, everyone is already so impressed by how mature they are. They thrive in routine, in hitting deadlines, and pouring themselves into their work. No one appreciates them or truly rewards their effort until much later in life, but Capricorn will tell you it’s entirely worth it. They’re not afraid of a delayed reward, and often, it’s also their best source of motivation.