Alena Shekhovtcova

The 5 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Burnout This Virgo Season

Virgo season is here, and with it comes a lot of changes. The sign of Virgo tends to push us to get our acts together and take some responsibility for our decisions and actions—whether with our health, relationships, careers, or ourselves.

However, Virgo is also a sign that really likes to take on more than it should in an attempt to be more productive and have a handle on things. That determined energy can be a great asset, but if we aren’t familiar with it (or how to navigate it), it’s easy to experience burnout insanely fast. Some signs are likely going to be feeling this weight more than others, so it’s important to get ahead of it. If your zodiac sign shows up on this list, don’t stress yourself out—this is a perfect opportunity to become aware of things before they have a chance to get out of hand!


You’re recovering from the hectic chaos of Leo season, meaning you’re already burned out. This Virgo season is about self-care and recovery after trying to do so much—it’s okay, and you need to take breaks, too. Your house of health and habits is taking the stage, which means that it’s time to find new ways to care for yourself. This can feel hard to do when you’re still reeling from exhaustion, but it will be important and telling for you to see what things actually do help you recover, versus which habits don’t really work at all. Listen to what your body is telling you and exercise patience with yourself, even if you feel tempted to try and rush through this time. It will make a big difference in the long run.


Balance is key, and Virgo season is ready to remind you of this. While plenty of opportunities are ready to come your way, it’s easy to become caught up in the idea of saying “yes” to everything—meaning you’ll be tempted to bite off more than you can chew. It’s more than okay to get excited and want to explore multiple paths—it could be life-changing for you. Nonetheless, you are just one person, and even if you want, you can’t do everything. Make sure to set aside time for rest without feeling guilty about it.


Listen, this is your season, so the truth is that your burnout is entirely up to you. In general, your sign is prone to this tendency already—you spend time trying to constantly rework and improve your life (and anyone else’s who is within your inner circle). If you take this time to focus on yourself and give yourself some much-needed grace and rest, then things will be ideal. However, if you spend these next few weeks stressing too hard about yourself and how you show up in the world, you’re going to run yourself ragged trying to make the most of things. 


Your work life is taking center stage during this season, which can provide so many great opportunities that you may not be anticipating. However, this can also cause you to lean pretty heavily into work and lose focus on everything else in your life. While it’s important to take advantage of moments presented to us, your work life isn’t everything, and whether it’s your intention or not, it doesn’t take much to feel consumed by hustle culture that says you have to sacrifice everything you get where you want to go. Rather than running around like crazy trying to achieve everything, be intentional about where your energy is going. 


In general, you are prone to becoming overwhelmed when it comes to certain areas in your life. However, as much as physical burnout is a thing, so is emotional burnout—which you might run into a little danger with this season. Your house of one on one relationships is getting plenty of attention, which is great for reassessing your relationships and figuring out what is and isn’t working. However, if you lean into avoiding these conversations or just agreeing with people to make things feel “smoother,” that weight is going to take its toll—even more if you spend your time taking on everyone else’s concerns and neglecting your own. Spend some time practicing how to voice your needs, too. Don’t be afraid to let people know you may need some time to process certain things as well—nothing wrong with advocating for yourself.