The 6 Most Important Pillars Of A Forever Relationship, According To Psychology
Here are the six most important pillars of a forever relationship, according to psychology.
1. Emotional responsiveness
Emotional responsiveness is defined as sending a signal and having the other party respond to it, and researchers have found that emotional responsiveness is absolutely fundamental to maintaining a happy and healthy relationship. Because without it, there will be an emotional disconnect which can lead to rejection, feelings of insecurity, withdrawal, and more.
In order to build a stronger emotional bond, couples should regularly engage in conversations regarding their needs and feelings (without pointing blame or criticizing each other in the process).
2. Communication
You’ve heard it before but it’s worth repeating: Communication is one of the most vital parts of a healthy relationship. After all, without being open and honest with one another, trust has no place to bloom. And without trust, there is no room for a loving relationship.
Some elements of healthy communication include regularly checking in with one another about personal matters outside of routine responsibilities (i.e. parenting and running the household), bringing up tough subjects when necessary, and being kind in one’s communication style.
3. Strong boundaries
Boundaries are everything because they set the framework for a healthy relationship. Boundaries help partners navigate expectations, limitations, and ultimately make the partnership stronger. Some examples of boundaries include enthusiastic consent, respecting each other’s space, and more.
4. Intimacy beyond sex
Yes, a positive sex life is incredibly important for a healthy relationship. However, there should be intimacy beyond sex as well. One great way to achieve this is through shared interests and passions. In fact, research has shown that couples experienced enjoyment together report more purpose as well as longevity. Enjoyable activities could be as simple as finding a new TV show each month you only watch together, taking a cooking class, or a going on a walk every Sunday morning.
5. Spending time apart
Solo time is vital for relationship health. Healthy couples should continue to nurture relationships with friends and family and continue to pursue their own interests outside of their partnership.
6. Fighting right
And finally, no relationship will exist without a little bit of conflict. Fights are going to happen, and this is completely normal. That said, it is imperative for couples to fight right and be constructive about the way they approach arguments and differences.
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to fight right is to sincerely and actively listen to each other’s points of view regarding the matter at hand, working to understand each other’s unique vantage points and feelings associated. On the other hand, completely withdrawing from the disagreement, yelling, or throwing personal attacks? Not healthy or productive. Remember, in the end, it’s about resolution (not being right).