Natalie Allen

The Advice You Need To Hear Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Rest easy knowing you’ve made the right decision recently, Aries. You may have felt nervous following your intuition or taking a risk recently; your efforts will pay off, as your subconscious is more powerful than you know.


Have you been in conflict with someone lately, Taurus? You may be under pressure or stress; know that you did your best even under confrontation, and that your own hurt will not go unaddressed forever.


It’s okay to have struggled with taking time for yourself this month, Gemini. You deserve the extra rest; worry about catching up later this month.


You made the right choice with someone recently; you may have provided advice that changed someone’s outlook, even if they have not expressed this to you. You’re valued immensely by your community, Cancer; your work is irreplaceable.


Did you have a small embarrassing moment happen to you recently, or find something from the past that you can’t get out of your head? Allow your subconscious to process your feelings, Leo – you may find that there is a different root causing these unpleasant memories.


You have handled a difficult challenge with grace recently; you should admire the fact that your preparedness is paying off for you. Your personal relationships will soon go through a period of growth from your efforts.


Libra, you may feel as though there’s a lot going on in your life right now. Even if you have no room in your schedule for a break, know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Your constant workload will ease soon, and you’ll fully enjoy reaping the benefits of your hard work.


Someone in your life is causing you stress right now, whether they know it or not. You may feel unusually burdened by this, Scorpio. If you cannot refocus your concerns, know that you are not alone in this; eventually, your fears will reach a positive conclusion.


Lately, you may have been having doubts about your professional life. These areas of concern are not isolated to your work; look for how they may relate to your personal life to find your true stressors. Once you have identified your biggest areas of disorganization, you’ll be able to refocus your goals.


You may have been inclined to make concrete future plans recently. Don’t shy away from following through, Capricorn, especially with ideas that involve other people. 


You may have felt uncertain about a connection you’ve recently established with someone, Aquarius. Don’t give up on it just yet; giving new relationships time is the best method to determine whether or not you have a genuine bond on your hands.


You’ve been working hard, Pisces, and your efforts will pay off soon. You’ve made a recent decision or change to your professional life that you’ll soon see results from; in the meantime, continue improving these goals as often as possible.