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The Age You’re Going To Have Your Worst Heartbreak, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone will experience a heartbreak at some point in their lives. Whether you’re loving freely and often or are constantly trying to protect your heart, someone will come along some day to rip it clean from your body. If you’re wondering when that’ll happen, look for your zodiac sign below for the age you’re mostly likely to get your heart broken.


When you like someone, you go for it. There’s very little forethought or planning. Because of that, you’ll sometimes run headfirst into heartbreak. Your worst heartbreak will happen pretty early in your adult life, around 23. Fortunately, you bounce back easily and it won’t harden your heart too much. You’ll be back to dating as if it never happened. (But we all know it did.)


You’re pretty cautious. You’ll go through your young adult years skeptical of anyone you date. You don’t want to get hurt after all. Eventually, you will though. Around 25, you’ll meet someone you could see forever with. You’ll move in together and create a comfortable life, but they want something different than you do. The resulting heartbreak will be catastrophic, earth-shaking. It’ll take you a long time to recover.


It’s not that you shield your heart from love or anything. You’ll have a vibrant dating life in your 20s. It’s just that you will purposefully prevent yourself from getting too attached. It isn’t until you settle down a bit in your 30s that you’ll open your heart enough for it to get broken. When it does, when you’re around 40, that’ll end your world as you know it. It’ll be a big relationship end–like a divorce–and it’ll color the rest of your future dating life.


You might be known for being super cautious and untrusting of people, but you weren’t always that way. It stems from your first heartbreak, which was also your worst. Around 18, you’ll meet someone who makes you feel so special, and you’ll give your whole heart away. Unfortunately, that openness will be your undoing, and you’ll be thinking of that heartbreak for years to come–maybe forever.


You don’t fall in love that easily. Sure, you’ll be in relationships, but it feels like the other person always wants it a little more than you do. It won’t be until your 30s that the status quo will flip. Suddenly you’ll be head over heels for someone, and you’ll learn what it feels like to be the person who wants it more. The imbalance is heartbreaking, and it’ll tear you up inside around 38.


You’re really good at protecting your heart. You lead more with concrete facts and actionable goals than emotions, which means that you’re usually the one breaking hearts. It’ll take a while for you to find someone that you’re willing to be soft with. Though it won’t happen in your 20s, the impending heartbreak will eventually catch up to you when you’re around 35. But you’ll survive, which is something you’re great at.


You love people in general, and that can open yourself up to getting hurt. The heartbreak will come early, around 20. And because you have a large social circle, the breakup might even ruin some friendships. The aftermath will make this heartbreak even worse. You’ll learn that you shouldn’t date inside your social circle, but you’ll probably continue to knowingly make that mistake for years to come.


You’re the sign most known for being secretive and erecting walls between you and everyone around you. You’d think that you’d be one of the signs with the worst heartbreak later in life, but not quite. Around 29, you’ll let your walls down bit by bit for someone who insists that they’ll treat you with care. In the end, they’ll create some lasting damage. Just try not to close up forever because one person ended up being terrible.


For a lot of people, their biggest heartbreak will cause them to be too cautious or down on themselves for years to come. For you, that heartbreak will actually spur you on to do bigger and better things. At a younger age, around 21, you’ll have your heart ripped out. And rather than crying about it for months, you’re more likely to become even more amazing as revenge. Why cry when you can get even my making them regret ever losing you?


You’re way too pragmatic to let someone break your heart. That’s the way you think of it anyway. But no one is immune to heartbreak, and it’ll eventually catch up to you. Around 30, you’ll let your guard down a bit in favor dating a great person. And they will be great–but that doesn’t mean it won’t end. When it does, you’ll go back to your pragmatic self, guarding your heart once again.


Romance isn’t really your focus. There are so many other important things. So, by the time you really commit to someone, you’re in it for life. Your heartbreak will come much, much later, when you’re both older, wiser, and still very much in love. This is The Notebook level heartbreak when you’re around 60, and you may not recover. But wow, it’ll be worth it.


You’re one of the more emotional signs. You’ll be feeling a lot of heartbreak over the years, even when you’re the one breaking hearts. Although there’ll be more before and after, your worst heartbreak will come when you’re around 33 and feeling like you’re ready to settle down. Sometimes you’re just not on the same page as the people you’re with, and that’ll be the true heartbreaker.