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The Best Type Of Person To Marry, Based On Your Birth Order

Here’s the best type of person for you to marry, based on your birth order.

Only Child

The best type of person for you to marry is someone independent. If you are an only child, your ideal spouse needs to be someone who embraces independence. After all, as an only child, you got used to being on your own. You need someone who respects your need for space (and enjoys their own company too).

Oldest Child

The best type of person for you to marry is someone who has their sh*t together. If you are an oldest child, your ideal spouse would be able to handle their life and the responsibilities that come with it. You would never need to nag them or beg them to do what needs to get done. Someone who is an oldest child has always felt the need to take care of everyone else and it can get exhausting. Your perfect partner would never make you worry about them in that way.

Middle Child

The best type of person for you to marry is someone balanced. If you are the middle child, you maybe were the designated peacekeeper growing up. You are all about compromise, and this makes you an excellent partner. You need someone who meets you with that level of grace and fairness, too.

Youngest Child

The best type of person for you to marry is someone who encourages your growth. If you are the youngest child, your ideal spouse will be someone who inspires you to take the lead in your own life and have confidence in your own decisions. Who both challenges you and nurtures you. Someone who is the youngest child needs a partner who is going to help them become the very best versions of themselves.


The best type of person for you to marry is someone who values individuality. If you are a twin or part of a set of multiples, your ideal spouse will be someone who values individuality. When you’re a twin or part of a set of multiples, you are often lumped in and compared to one another on a more extreme levels than other siblings. Sometimes, this could make you feel like no one really knew you at all. As such, your perfect partner would go out of their way to know you on a deep and profound level, reminding you that you are your own person, and that this person is worth knowing and loving.