12 Upsides To Breaking Up With The Wrong Person
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The Biggest Upsides To Breaking Up With The Wrong Person

“Finding yourself again. Trust me, I know it sounds like some hippie-dippie shit but man, finding yourself again after a horrible relationship is amazing. The moment you realize you are a complete person on your own is the greatest feeling. Understanding that you are an awesome person who people love and will love and that people still find you amazing even though your ex berated you and called you ugly and gave you side eyes whenever you felt good looking is a sigh of relief.” — blatantgiraffe

“That realization that you never have to do that one thing they liked ever again. (I don’t, necessarily, mean sexually; I am specifically thinking of the glorious moment I realized I didn’t have to go to any more shitty bars. Sublime.)” — bleetsy

“You get a chance to have all ‘the firsts’ back. The first kiss, the first really hard laughs together. The first time you said I love you. The first time you realized you had that one random thing in common that you were unaware of before. The first time you have sex. The first time you make love. The fist time you realize how awesome someone is.” —izzarachel

“Never dealing with their family again. No more awkward conversation with your mother while she judges me!!!!!!” — the_Pope_Joan

“I remember getting my first work paycheck after my last breakup and realizing how much money I had because I wasn’t spending it all on lunches and dinners out and gas for the hour-long commute to see my SO. It was kinda great to able to treat my still-heartbroken self to a little retail therapy. (And still have money left over!!!)” — margaret0619

“Sleeping in the middle of the bed again.” — Salty_Sea07

“It teaches you that your self-worth does not come from being loved by another person. Being loved by another person is a beautiful, precious, and amazing feeling. But it does not validate your existence or give your life meaning. Breaking up with someone, though it will be extremely difficult, will also show you that with or without them, you still contribute to the world, you still have people in your life that love you, you still need to get out of bed in the morning. You probably won’t feel this way in the beginning, but with time, you will learn that you have purpose and dignity simply by being a living, breathing human being.” — mianforever

“Getting back all those parts of your life (and yourself) you lost — your hobbies, your time with friends, your free time to do just what you want to by yourself as often and for as long as you want.” — ancientappleiic

“Blasting music by an artist your ex hates.” — generousdonation

“The first kiss with someone else. Don’t get me wrong – kisses often get better as a relationship progresses and you figure out what each other likes, what works/doesn’t work, etc. But there’s something about the tension in that moment of ‘Wait, is this it? Are we gonna kiss?’ that adds a fun little spice.” — viscount16

“The moment you start taking advantage of the single life. While in a relationship there’s bound to be a moment where you see someone you’re attracted to that’s not your SO, and that’s fine and resisting the urges to act on it is the correct response. But when you’re single you’re allowed to act on it. You can flirt, you can converse with anyone with the intentions being open ended, and you’re a normal person for it. I’m not trying to say relationships are a ball and chain, but it’s certainly liberating after a relationship to just flirt and enjoy yourself as a single person.” — ididntlikeit

“Being free of a relationship that clearly wasn’t beneficial to you and focusing on yourself 100%.” — Aussie_Ben88