Brandon Woelfel

The Difference Between A Nice Guy And A Good Man

There is a difference between a nice guy and a good man.

And it all depends on their actions, their intentions, and their overall character.

While the nice guy has a pleasant demeanor and will most likely avoid conflicts, he is like this because he is, deep down, self-centered. Narcissistic, even. He’s concerned about how others perceive him and he wants compliments and to be validated as “such a nice guy.” The nice guy does things as a means of wanting to look good and wanting to impress others. He cares too much about his reputation and he just wants to be liked.

The good man, on the other hand, is kind. He acts with good intentions and he does so as a means of a good character. He knows that avoiding confrontation is not the way to do things — he knows it’s necessary to demonstrate integrity, moral courage, and wanting to challenge societal norms especially if it’s for the greater good. The good man does things — no matter what he looks like — because he believes it’s the right thing to do.

The nice guy gives to get. He puts up a misleading front, being generous and romantic only because he wants to get something out of it. He’ll tell you what you want to hear. He also is more likely to avoid situations where he could face rejection because it could bruise his ego.

Good men are generous and romantic because he wants to be. He wants to give and he wants to make others happy, no matter if he is or isn’t getting anything in return. A good man will do something, no strings attached. He will also be more inclined to face and accept rejection because that is an opportunity for growth and learning resilience.

It’s hard to distinguish if a guy is “nice” or “good” but when you start to notice the key character traits, especially when they tiptoe into toxicity, you’ll never fall for the nice guy ever again.