The Most Miserable Part Of Being Single In 2023
Anton Darius

The Most Miserable Part Of Being Single In 2023

The single life doesn’t have to be miserable — but sometimes, that’s exactly what it is. Here are some of the worst parts of being single in 2023:

“100% it’s people treating you differently. I don’t even know if I want a relationship at this point. All I want is for people to treat me like they do when they think I’m in a relationship. It’s not everyone, but it can include: Feeling pity (even though I enjoy being single). Treating me like I’m a child or less mature (I’m in my thirties, my dudes). Treating me like I’m a threat to their relationship just because I’m single (I guarantee you I am not). Assuming that the fact that I’ve been publicly single the entire time I’ve known them means that I’m hiding a secret relationship – with the same sex (which would be fine but I’m not), an affair, etc.…” — Ancient-Apartment-23

“Not being a priority to anyone. For the most part, I’m very happy being single. I love the freedom and peace. I’m an introvert and I need space. And being single is a choice I make. The only thing that sucks is always being ‘second’ to everyone. It’s no one’s fault. The person in your relationship should come first; but it still sucks.” — mercfan3

“Sometimes you just aren’t ready to be in a relationship and you know that, but you crave that affection so much that you talk to the wrong people who only temporarily give you the illusion of fulfilling those needs while actually doing more harm to you.” — homocidexd

“The lack of companionship. Someone to message at any time without worrying you’re bothering them. Someone that is happy to join in on any random daily tasks or activities.” — unknownuser3429592

“One of the worst things about being single is there is no one to share the load. There is no one there to pick up the slack when you’re not at your best. You have no safety net. You have to do it all. No one is around to take care of you when you’re sick, pick up that grocery item you forgot, take a turn taking out the trash or vacuuming the floors. There is no one around to get you a new roll of toilet paper when you run out in the middle of your ‘paperwork’. You are responsible for everything — all the time.”  — cajzlions

“When I was single, I thought being ‘sad alone’ was the worst part. Surprisingly, the part I hated the most was when I had something to celebrate but no one to celebrate it with.” — hulagway

“I’ve been single my whole life. I’ve never been anywhere close to a relationship and it’s honestly weird to see someone a decade younger than you have more dating experience than you” — tired_kittens

“It’s painful when you have nobody to text at all. I’m sure many of you miss the school days where you always had a friend to talk and chill with before going home and gaming together, it’s similar to that but now you want someone for love and stuff.” — Lust9so9Blue

“Waking up alone. Going to sleep alone can be comfortable as there’s no one else hogging the bed, but waking up alone and not having anyone to cuddle in that semi-conscious warm fuzzy state is lonely.” — yathree

“Having to go through the dating process (i.e. favorite color? favorite hobbies? favorite foods? questions) over and over again.” — amishconvict

“Not having someone to do stuff with. I want someone to go to restaurants or the movie theater or shows or nightclubs or travel….but other than that, I want to be by myself. Pretty hard to find a companion who is cool with this.” — LeelooDallasMltiPass

“Been widowed for the past three years and just recently have started to notice that I’ve now gotten cut out of ‘couple things’ like friends having double date nights or going places with a group of other couples.” — Hrekires

“The only significant downside that bothers me is not having anyone to help me, like if my car breaks down or I need a ride to a doctor to have a procedure done for which I’m not allowed to drive myself.” — Human838

“I wouldn’t really call it the worst thing but I’m an excellent cook and it sucks not having someone else enjoy my culinary expertise. I do take food to my neighbors sometimes, but it isn’t the same.” — The_H_N_I_C

“I didn’t realize how much I missed hugs until I was hugged a few weeks ago. Hadn’t realized it had been several years since I had actually been hugged by someone and I sort of broke down in their arms. Didn’t realize how much I missed feeling that.” — kidwithglasses

“Everyone insisting that you have to have a partner to be happy/fulfilled. It’s always a projection. Just because you don’t enjoy your own company doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy mine.” — Eyfordsucks