The Positive Affirmation You Need For 2023, Based On Your Birth Month

The Positive Affirmation You Need For 2023, Based On Your Birth Month


I am growing and getting better every single day. This year, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to face rejection and failure. Even if you feel like you’re taking a step back one day, you’re moving forward overall. You’re doing your best, and that’s all you can do.


I am aiming for my best, not for perfect. This year, remember that perfection is a myth. Don’t keep procrastinating because you feel like you aren’t ready yet. You might never feel ready. But you have to try anyway. You have to have faith in yourself. Shoot your shot.


I already have the tools I need to succeed. This year, remember that you are more capable than you believe. You are stronger and more intelligent than you’ve been telling yourself, and it’s time you see your own potential. It’s time you learn to recognize that you do have what it takes to succeed.


My boundaries deserve to be respected. This year, don’t tolerate people who treat you terribly. Don’t allow anyone to walk over you or take advantage of your kindness. Make your boundaries clear, and if someone continues to cross them, cut that person out of your life. You don’t need them. 


I don’t exist to please others. This year, remember to prioritize the things that hold meaning to you. Don’t let others determine what you do with your time. This is your choice. This is your body and your life. You get to determine what you do with it.


I am in control of my future. This year, remember how much power you hold. You might not have control over everything that happens in this world, but you have control over your own actions. You have control over how you spend today and where you head tomorrow. Make sure you use that power wisely.


I am worthy of receiving love. This year, remember that you deserve to feel loved and valued. You deserve to have everything that you’ve been daydreaming about since you were younger. Don’t doubt your worth. Don’t sell yourself short. Strive for happiness because you deserve it.


I am remaining present in the moment. This year, remember to enjoy every moment. Stop worrying so much about the future and regretting what’s happened in the past. Pay more attention to the moment that you’re in. Stay mindful. Stay present.


I am willing to put in the work to reach my goals. This year, remember that luck and talent will get you a long way, but it’s impossible to succeed without putting in the work. You need to channel your effort into achieving whatever means the most to you. Stay motivated. Stay hopeful.


I am complete without a partner. This year, whether you are in a relationship or are single, you need to remember that another person will not make you whole. You are already whole. Your relationships shouldn’t define you. Only you can define you.


I am allowed to use my voice and state my opinion. This year, don’t silence yourself in order to make others more comfortable. Stay what’s on your mind. Express your emotion. State your boundaries. You deserve to be heard.


My vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. This year, remember that there’s nothing wrong with showing emotion. It’s actually a good thing that you’re in touch with your feelings. It means you understand yourself. Now, you simply have to accept yourself.