The Real Reason Why Couples Aren't Getting Married As Much Anymore
tabitha turner

The Real Reason Why Couples Aren’t Getting Married As Much Anymore

Marriage is becoming less popular as the years go by. Here are some possible reasons why, according to Ask Reddit:

“Ease of access to hundreds if not thousands of people via social media driving indecisiveness. When you lived in a town or neighborhood with regular access to a handful of people I think people were less selective as to who they were willing to spend a lifetime with.” — ptbus0

“There are a lot of kids of divorce. It makes you really consider getting engaged as something important and not just a ‘step’ in your life.” — AldaronWilwarin

“I’m in the US, it seems like millennial and Gen Z couples are living together earlier and earlier in their relationship(s), partially due to the increased cost of housing/living and maybe also due to a decrease in social constrictions. Living together is the best way to figure out whether or not you’re meant to get married.” — reedspacer38

“Divorce lawyers are expensive.  Getting married is expensive too. I took a class in college discussing how weddings are just a stupid social norm that’s just another billion-dollar industry.” — CakinCookin

“People are becoming less religious, and the motivation to get married has become an accounting decision more than anything. When I marry my partner, it will be to file taxes jointly, drive each other’s company cars, share health insurance plans, increase HSA contribution limits, spousal legal immunity, etc.” — Sryzon

“In the USA, the relative benefits of marriage and the social pressure to get married have both decreased over the last several decades.” — Amiiboid

“Because there is no longer any shame in just living with your partner, it’s perfectly normal. I’ve been doing that for almost 15 years, and we have no desire to bring marriage into it.” — LucyVialli

“The internet has raised the general awareness of things among people. People have realized that they can do so much more in life than just get married and have kids.” — PoorMansTonyStark

“Because women don’t have that as the ONLY career option to make sure they have food, clothing, and shelter for the rest of their lives.” — No_Arugula7027

“Because marriage is overrated. You don’t need to spend thousands of bucks and involve the government to validate your relationship. Back in the 1950’s woman needed consent of their husband to do basic things like open a bank account. We don’t need husbands for that anymore. People like to break traditions and choose their own way and happiness.” — GoodAlicia

“It’s a legally binding contract thats very easy to get into, but VERY difficult to get out of. It has little benefits (taxes) compared to the massive risk/negatives involved (losing control of assets, etc.), and honestly it’s an outdated institution in a growing secular society. Especially given the numbers regarding divorce, it’s better to be together on your own terms that making it official with the state/government.” — DirtyScrubs

“Because women have realized it’s a raw deal having to work AND do most of the childcare, cleaning, cooking and emotional labor. Screw that.” — APladyleaningS

“People are brought up not to even consider marriage until they’re financially stable. Nobody is financially stable anymore.” — Poorly-Drawn-Beagle