Why Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Be Intimate
Dainis Graveris

The Real Reason Why Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Be Intimate

Don’t make assumptions about why your partner doesn’t want to be intimate with you. It could be because they’re bored of the relationship. Or it could have absolutely nothing to do with you. According to Ask Reddit, here are a few common reasons why couples turn down intimacy: 

“My own self-confidence and body issues. Sometimes, I’m too embarrassed to be intimate.” — NucularOrchid

“When they’ve done something really nasty/unkind that day. Cruelty is the most ugly thing a person can show, in my eyes.” — spxdergirl

“When every touch or affection is met with trying to get my pants off. Intimacy isn’t just sex.” — angels_exist_666

“When they are glued to their phones nonstop! Put that down and look at me before we go to bed!” — Palmwine

“Right after I eat, I just feel the opposite of sexy/sexual and it’s hard to get into the mood when I feel that way. My fiance is an incredible woman and makes me feel like the most attractive man in the world, but after I eat I might as well go on the sexual shelf for a couple of hours.” — Slothstronaut14

“When he doesn’t ever shower on the weekend. I do not like sex with people who don’t shower.” — bobwoodwardprobably

“I’ve always heard of fighting then having sex after. Fighting has always made me not want it. The last thing I want to do when someone pisses me off is have sex with them.” — DaMoonRulez_1

“In my previous relationship it was such a huge requirement that I started to get anxiety when it didn’t happen. I knew I had to do it or he’d start to get frustrated. It wasn’t anything he did it was the vibe that was always around. He’s say it’s fine if we didn’t but I could tell it wasn’t fine. I thought he liked me less if we didn’t. Finally when it was over I felt like I ran a marathon. It was a performance at times. Now that I’m single it’s so nice to not deal with that constant expectation” — idiotsincars22

“Taking a moment to realize I’m the only one that makes sexual advances in the relationship. Makes me not want it. People think men only want sex for face value but a lot of men actually want the feeling of being desired more so.” — Relative-Hour-9359

“Personally, the only issue I have is my SO’s drinking. He just becomes an unattractive person when he’s drunk. It’s one thing if we’re both out socializing and drinking together occasionally, but he drinks almost every day, sitting on the couch in front of the TV and to the point of sloppy drunkenness way too often. His face changes, his posture changes, his personality changes… I just get so turned off.” — WeptSiren3113

“Feeling angry. I hate feeling angry. I don’t like being around other people when angry. So I’ll go for a walk, a drive, etc and just clear my head.” — jackfaire

“When my emotional needs aren’t being filled. I don’t want to be intimate when I’ve just worked an 8 hour day, then put in another 3 hours of house work while my SO drank beer and played video games, and he hasn’t even said a word to me before trying to get intimate. At least wash a dish and tell me I look nice today.” — imareceptionist

“Usually it’s when we’re too tired from the day to day with work and kids.” — mynsfwname7