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The Realest Quotes From ‘No Idea What I’m Doing But F*ck It’ By Ron Writings

Ron Lim is the author of No Idea What I’m Doing But F*ck It and the being behind ronwritings. Here are a collection of poems about life, letting go, exploring new things, and just figuring things out along the way:

Listen to and trust your intuition.

how many times
do you need
to go back and forth
to make up that decision
you’ve known all along?

Ron Lim

give it some time.
stick with the decision you have chosen and just let things play out.
let yourself live through the process.
you don’t have to evaluate things right after you make the decision. you won’t know it so quickly.
let life happen. and let yourself live for a little.


I’m not sure if it’s possible to be fully certain of something you have never done before. I mean – all you have is a vision, right? there is no way you can tell if this vision will come true or not. you can do all the reading, all the talking to people, all the internal debates you have with yourself, and maybe that makes it a little easier. but at the end of the day, you still gotta take that leap. and there is still a possibility that you might hurt yourself in the process. but there will always be that little resistance in you. that little voice in your head telling you that maybe you should reconsider it. but you have already reconsidered it plenty of times. you are trying to wait for that absolute certainty. but deep down, you know that it is not going to come. I think at the end of it all, it comes down to one question – how much do you really want it?

I think that makes all the difference.

Ron Lim

Let go.

you break your own heart
by telling yourself
to give it another shot
when you already know
it is time to let go.

Ron Lim

the energy you spend worrying about your future is the same energy you need to do something about the present.


Believe that good things can happen to you.

you have to believe that things will get better. you have to believe that change is possible. you have to believe that you have the power you need in you, because you do. you have to believe that this path you’re working towards will lead to somewhere, and even if you don’t get to your end goal right away, you will still be so much further than where you were before.

you have to believe that things will work out, because they will, in due time. you have to believe in the process, because it is as much about commitment and effort as it is about being in the right direction. you have to believe in the possibility of good things happening to you, and accept the losses you have to take along the way. you have to believe that good will come out of it.

you have to believe in yourself. you have to believe that you will be able to figure it out, whatever difficulties you encounter. you have to believe in help. you have to believe in the people who try to help you, and trust that they have the best intentions in their hearts. you have to believe that sometimes people with the best intentions don’t end up fitting with one another, and that it’s okay if you outgrow them.

you have to just believe – you make a decision, and the uni- verse will always align accordingly. you have to believe that life will always move forward as long as you continue to walk it. you have to believe in the destination and love the process, and believe that while you may not know where you will end up yet, it will be somewhere beautiful.


Walk away from people who no longer serve you.

the best thing
you can do for yourself
is to leave.

Ron Lim

stop giving your energy to people
who make you feel like shit.


Live for yourself.

do it
with all your heart
or don’t do it at all.

Ron Lim

you glow differently when you stop
giving a fuck about what others think.


you gotta start living for yourself. do the things you want to do. come up with new ideas. make changes. just. try. stuff. fuck it up a few times. whatever. you will still be alive anyway.

Ron Lim

Say yes to things.

3 things to say yes to:

1. say yes to trying something new. step just an inch out. try something new that doesn’t take much of your time and effort. you never know — the new exposure could be what you need to make an eventual shift towards the better.

2. say yes to leaving behind situations that don’t work anymore. you can’t hold onto something that doesn’t work or there will never be room for something that does.

3. say yes to reinventing yourself. the whole point of getting new exposure is so that you can make a behavioral shift. if you confine yourself to this “perception” people have of you, then you will always be the same person.


Be patient.

give it some time.

stick with the decision you have chosen and just let things play out.

let yourself live through the process.

you don’t have to evaluate things right after you make the decision. you won’t know it so quickly.

let life happen. and let yourself live for a little.

Ron Lim