The Top 11 Most Annoying Dog Breeds
All dogs deserve a safe, loving home. But some of them are more difficult to manage than others, so you must be prepared to give them the treatment they require. According to some pet owners on Ask Reddit, here are the most annoying (but lovable) dog breeds out there:
“Shiba Inus. Incredibly intelligent breed, but so painfully stubborn. They know exactly what you want of them but will absolutely refuse to do it if they don’t think it’s worth it. There’s a reason why they’re not recommended for first time dog owners. Every Shiba owner I’ve met including me are all completely dead inside and defeated after the torment they put us through, but man they’re also some of the most lovable and loyal dogs you’ll ever know.” — uuusagi
“Huskies. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but every single one of them is clinically insane. They love to vocalize and ‘talk’ to their humans, and it’s so funny and adorable… until three am. The amount they shed per week could be built into a cat, and dander gets everywhere, specifically targeting people with allergies like a fluffy terrorist. They come looking for trouble, and if they can’t find it, they’ll cause it. They will eat your furniture, then gag on the stuffing like a giant idiot. They’re bred specifically to haul stuff around, and if they don’t get to, they’ll try and find a new purpose in destroying every pair of shoes in the house. But I love the breed so much and those big pupper smiles and fluffy tummies make up for it.” — wakingdreamland
“Dachshunds are yappy and stubborn and can be incredibly difficult to potty train. They require constant snuggles and/or direct sunlight. Best dogs ever. Oh, and don’t forget the direct in-mouth kisses.” — _thisisariel_
“Belgian Malinois. Mine has an entertaining personality and I love her. She’s the smartest dog I’ve met… which seems great in theory, until you realize she’s capable of outsmarting you. It’s not fun. So far, she has figured out how to unlock and open multiple types of doors, press elevator buttons, slap dogs and humans when they won’t give her something she wants. She vocally argues and sasses us, has robbed a drug dealer, figured out how to open the garbage without making a sound, and has mastered covering up malicious activity and can plan heists multiple steps ahead. We’re fairly certain she understands English based on her reactions to a few things we’ve said. And she’s only 1.” — Dismal-Channel-9292
“Beagle. Hands down the whiniest, most demanding breed on the face of the planet. Also one of the warmest personalities you’ll ever find in a dog.” — A_ShamedMan
“Corgi. They don’t shut up, the volume knob is stuck at 11, they’re stubborn, they’re bossy, and their brains only have two settings: HERD THINGS and EAT FOOD.” — insertcaffeine
“Dalmatian. All dogs have a base stereotype for a reason. My Dalmatian is that reason. Stubborn as hell, non-stop hungry, whines constantly, only cares about food, food, and only food. Loves cats and kids, hates other dogs and rats. Incredibly destructive. Thought he would grow out of the I must destroy everything phase, but nope, at 11 he has eaten 5 couches. To everyone wanting one because they are so cute, please do your research and talk to actual dal owners not just one person who has one. Talk to several owners and listen to them (actually do this with any breed you decide on). I’m experienced with large dogs and he has been the most difficult, frustrating dog I have ever owned. Just being honest. I will never own another Dalmatian.” — ihideBabies
“French Bulldog. I have one, he is my life, he is the first and only Frenchie I will ever own. Their personalities are AMAZING. He’s funny, smart, and I got lucky no separation anxiety, he doesn’t chew on anything besides his toys. But the vet bills. Chronic ear infections even with preventative measures. At least every 2-3 months. I’m convinced pet insurance was created by a Frenchie owner. They are not an ethical breed and are only alive because of human intervention.” — Panamanianveganmeat
“Wolf Hybrids! They are beautiful but DO NOT make a good pet. They battle with domestication and feral tendencies it’s not fair or healthy for the breed. You won’t ever own a piece of furniture or a pristine house, that I promise. Not hating on the breed but personally against it for the sake of the animal and how many end up in sanctuaries and end up having to be put down due to almost all owners not being to handle them as they are untrainable.” — One-Satisfaction8803
“English Bulldog. Mine was like living with an alcoholic with narcolepsy whose hair was falling out all the time and who was allergic to himself. Great dogs though.” — Oklahoe
“Terriers are absolutely relentless. No off switch. Attention hogs. Incredible prey drive. Doesn’t matter what variety—Jack Russell, American Staffordshire, schnauzer, Airedale—they’re unmatched pains in the ass. But they’re sooo sweet and loyal and smart. Sigh.” — HavingNotAttained