The Toxic Trait Each Zodiac Needs To Work On In December 2023
We all have toxic traits. But this is the one you need to work on this month:
Your impulsiveness.
You need to think before you speak. You need to think before you act, too. Lashing out when you’re upset and doing things without thinking about the consequences aren’t going to get you anywhere. Take a deep breath.
Your stubbornness.
You have this image of love and romance in your head and when you don’t obtain it, you tend to just give up altogether. Don’t be so headstrong, Taurus. You need to let go of the “my way or the highway” attitude and leave wiggle room for different things, even if it’s not what you imagined.
Your flightiness.
While your flexibility is your strength, it can also be your weakness and comes across as a lack of stability. It makes it hard for people to trust you, especially when you make promises. You need to stop being so fickle and start following through on things. Commit, commit, commit.
Your ability to hold grudges.
Stop letting someone who hurt you live rent-free in your mind and heart. Your sensitivity is your strength, but also your weakness, so you need to stop wallowing in sadness all the time. Let it go — that’s the only way you can heal and move forward.
Your need for attention.
You talk to multiple people on dating apps even though you know you’re not actually interested in them. While you might be trying to figure out who is a good fit for you, you have to be honest with yourself: Do you actually want a relationship or do you just want someone to give you attention?
Your self-hatred.
Your overly critical, nitpicking attitude is only hurting you, Virgo. By indulging in your self-hatred, you’re keeping yourself back from going after things you want and deserve. You’re not going to get far if you keep allowing yourself to drown in self-hate. Be kinder to yourself.
Your conflict-avoidance.
As a people-pleaser, you stay quiet about things that bother you because you don’t want to disrupt the peace. But as someone who preaches harmony and balance, you tend to avoid confrontation too often. You need to stop that and start calling people out when they hurt you. Speak up for yourself.
Your jealous tendencies.
While it’s okay to be protective over the people you love, what’s not okay is acting out in jealous and possessive behaviors. This is controlling and not going to get you far in life, I promise. Loosen the reigns you have around things and people–you’ll be so much happier once you do.
Your emotional guardedness.
You claim to be this open-minded, fearless individual..but what about when it comes to your expressing your feelings? It’s okay to let down your walls and be vulnerable. It’s okay to let love in. You will be okay, Sag. I promise.
Your self-sufficiency.
You tend to look at life as all work and no play. While it’s great to be able to do and handle things all on your own, you tend to be so driven that you feel like you’re the only person you can count on. You need to learn to trust people and you need to learn how to ask for help.
Your emotional detachment.
You avoid your feelings and having tough conversations with loved ones because it just brings you down. You’d rather distract yourself through work and hobbies. But if you’re feeling sad, anxious, or burnt out, it’s okay to acknowledge it and work through it. Feel your damn feelings.
Your ability to play the victim.
When something is challenging, you escape into a victim mentality. It’s because you’re highly sensitive and you tend to struggle with your emotions, even if you won’t admit it. You’re going to become jaded with the world if you keep playing the victim, so stop, take ownership, and channel your inner warrior.