The Trick To Flirting With Men
Unsplash / Toni Frost

The Trick To Flirting With Men In 2023

If you’ve been struggling to flirt with men, don’t worry. It’s easier than it sounds. Here are a few tips that will help you land your current crush (or the next one):

“Show enthusiasm. Not fake or manufactured. Interest. Excitement. We live in a pretty sarcastic and non-committal era. People would rather be distracted than interact. If you have a particular guy you’re interested in, find out what he’s into and figure out what’s interesting about it. Otherwise, I know personally I’m attracted in general (not necessarily romantically) to people who light up a room, speak with conviction, and will nerd out with me.” — hurricanecook

“Be direct with him. Many men suck at subtle signs. In this day and age, many men tend to be overly cautious with women and tend to not assume interest just because she is being nice. Don’t play games or silently judge him if he doesn’t flirt back, he may just think you are a nice friendly person. We have been told for years now that just because she is nice and smiling and speaking to you, doesn’t mean she is interested in you.” — TE1381

“Touching. Women use that trick all the time. Touch his shoulder. If he’s muscular, ask him if he works out and ask if you can touch his muscles. Then compliment. Be a little coquettish and find ways to make contact. Men may be stupid as hell interpreting messages, but touching is an obvious way to let someone know you’re into them.” — freddychuckles

“Ask us questions about our life. A great topic is hobbies; we often have at least one hobby that is a very important cornerstone of our entire personality. Thats a perfect tie in to lower our guard and make us enjoy the company of someone who can tolerate or even enjoy our hobby.” — kingrail88

“Be friendly, usually if he has interest he’ll play along, and as your friendship grows, start flirting and being more daring with him. Although, if he hesitates, ask why. If he doesn’t like it or feels uncomfortable, it’s not working. Also, compliments work, ask him about himself and let HIM ask about you. The trick here is, usually if he asks about you, there can be interest, but if he doesn’t either he’s an airhead or he doesn’t have interest. Men are straightforward, we don’t mind small games but complicate it for too long and we bail. Don’t be direct, go around the meaning but leave it very clear. Like, want to come to my place or can you keep me company at my place instead of I’d like to sleep with you. (Just an example but you get the deal. Obvious but subtle enough to be mysterious). Good luck! I’m not the best flirter but I hope this helps.” — ElDonute

“Talk to them, and if there is a connection, immediately ask if he has a girlfriend. There is no shame in asking, you don’t want to waste both of your time.” — Fun_Jeweler_6526

“Approach a dude with a confidence (go for a relaxed stance but give a warm smile). Ask his name, give him a compliment, and then to make sure it’s okay to approach, you confirm whether or not he’s single. If he’s single, tell you’re interested to know more about him and then ask him out on a date or if he’s game for some activity. e.g. ‘Hi! I’m [your name]. What’s your name? If it’s okay, I just wanna say: you look really cool! It’s totally my vibe. If you’re single, do you want to have coffee and get to know each other more? Or is an arcade date more your thing because I’d be totally game if you are! So, what do you say?’ So like: Approach. Ask about him. Compliment him. Ask for consent. Lay out a plan for a date. See how it goes.” — eglantinian

“We’re not much different from women. I want you to voice the things you like about me in a sincere way. Be attentive and and give lots of eye contact. If you’re too subtle we’ll probably assume you’re just being nice.” — chirpchirpreformed

“Subtlety is your biggest enemy. Be direct, give the man a genuine compliment and tell him you are interested in dating him.” — BlewOffMyLegOff