The Worst Heartbreak Of Your Life Will Be With A Cancer, Scorpio, Or Pisces
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with a water sign because they are highly intuitive and excellent at reading people. Even if you’re trying to shut them out, they’re going to guess what’s on your mind. They’re going to be able to read you like a book, which can be frustrating when you’re trying to act like everything is fine and you’re completely over them. With water signs, there’s no hiding your real feelings. They’re going to know when you aren’t being honest with them. They’re going to know when something is wrong.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with a water sign because they are highly sensitive. It will be hard to have a conversation with them about the breakup without them breaking down in tears. If you’re the one breaking up with them, it will make you feel incredibly guilty about leaving them. And if you’re the one getting broken up with, you won’t find it easy to stay calm and collected when they’re falling apart in front of you. The breakup is bound to be filled with plenty of tears from both ends because water signs don’t get into relationships with just anyone. If they were with you, they genuinely care about you. More than you know.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with a water sign because they have trouble cutting off contact completely. They won’t want to be out of your world forever. They’ll want to remain friends. But most of the time, that can cause even more pain. When you’re trying to forget about them, their constant texts and calls only make it harder to get over them and move on with your life. Although you might not have minded the clinginess when you were dating, it can feel suffocating when you’re broken up.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with a water sign because they ooze kindness. Even when they’re breaking your heart, it’s impossible to stay mad at them. They’re too sweet. They’re too generous. Whether you’re on good terms or not, they’ll still go out of their way to help you. They’ll still answer your calls at any time of night, no questions asked. Which only makes you feel worse about the fact that you’ve lost them. You know what a catch they are. You know how far they’re willing to go for the people they care about the most.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with a water sign because they are indecisive. They overthink every single decision that they make, which keeps them up at night. That means there’s a good chance that they’re going to second guess the breakup and give you hope about getting back together. But if you aren’t good for each other, there’s no use in trying again. Your time is better spent learning how to live without them and looking for someone who fits you better. Even though it hurts more now, it’ll be better in the long run.