The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With The Man Who Doesn’t Know What He Wants
The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who doesn’t know what he wants because he will leave the decision making up to you. You’ll be in charge of planning all the dates and picking all the restaurants because he won’t be able to make up his mind. He’ll have trouble making even the simplest decisions, which means all of the responsibility in the relationship will fall on you. You’ll have to do the work of two people because he won’t want to have a say.
The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who doesn’t know what he wants because he is never going to commit. He won’t want to put a label on the relationship – or take the relationship to the next level once you’re already a couple – because that means choosing you. And he won’t want to choose anyone until he figures out what he wants from this world. His indecision is going to screw you over because he won’t want to dedicate the rest of his life to you when he isn’t even sure what the rest of his life looks like.
The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who doesn’t know what he wants because he’ll want to keep his options open. He won’t want to get too close to you because he’s scared that by being with you, he’s missing out on being with someone else. Since he’s not entirely sure what he wants, he’ll end up choosing no one. He’ll end up making you feel like you weren’t enough. But you shouldn’t have to convince someone why you’re worthy of their love. You shouldn’t have to fight for them to give you a chance. They should see your value without you spelling it out for them.
The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who doesn’t know what he wants because you’ll always be the one who cares more. The one who is ready for commitment first. The one who is bugging him about taking the next step when he isn’t actually interested. Your relationship will feel stagnant at some point because he won’t want to commit. He won’t want to make a final decision because he’s worried that he’ll end up regretting it.
The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who doesn’t know what he wants because he won’t make you feel special. He won’t make you feel chosen. You deserve someone who is one hundred percent serious about you, one hundred percent invested. If he’s only giving you half his heart or half his attention, then you’re missing out on quite a bit. You should be with someone who is positive about you. Who is sure they want to spend the rest of their life alongside you. It’s never easy to hear that your partner is questioning whether you’re going to be together for the long-haul, whether this is what they really want. You deserve to be with someone who doesn’t have any questions about being with you. Who wants you and only you.