Jakob Wandel

These 4 Zodiacs Will Feel This Biggest Life Shift From Pluto Retrograde

Well, friends, take a deep breath—Pluto is Retrograding back into the sign of Capricorn.

Starting June 11th and continuing until January 24th, 2024, the planet of death, rebirth, and transformation will return to the cardinal sign associated with responsibility, determination, and structure. Pluto spent the previous two decades in this Capricorn, which challenged and affirmed systems of power (think governments, political upsets, and the ways society has built itself). On more personal levels, we may have felt specific shifts in certain areas of our lives that fundamentally set us up for growth and reinvention. 

When Pluto shifted into Aquarius earlier this year, several of us felt the weight lifting off our shoulders—particularly cardinal signs. So what does this mean for a Pluto retrograde?

While a Pluto retrograde may sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be! This is a time to revisit, reassess, and remember the lessons that took place during Pluto in Capricorn. What did you learn? What has stuck? How do you apply these lessons once Pluto isn’t literally forcing you to?

While all the signs will have something to learn from this experience, four zodiac signs, in particular, will likely feel this period the most. Check out the signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see which zodiac signs will feel this Pluto in Retrograde the most. 


You were all too familiar with Pluto’s presence over the last few decades, Capricorn, and now it’s back for a brief visit. Don’t stress too much, though—this is a remembrance, not a downfall. 

Capricorn Risings and all other personal Capricorn placements felt the crossover of Pluto previously, and this will be a great period to remember those lessons. While they may have felt spread out over 20 years, you certainly gained insight and wisdom about the person you are and who you want to become rather than who you are expected to be. When Pluto shifted into Aquarius this year, you felt the weight lift off of your shoulders. As Pluto moves back into your sign, it will be a bit easier to review and remember now that you’ve had some space away, allowing you to finally (and thoroughly!) close the chapter on this immense growth cycle you’ve undergone. Take a breath—you’re almost there.


For Cancer risings in particular, Pluto was profoundly influential regarding your relationships. As someone known for their desire for connection, Pluto upped the intensity of your relationships, for better or worse. You learned what you wanted, needed, and deserved and learned the things you cannot tolerate in your relationships or friendships. As Pluto revisits this 7th House for you once again, it’s an excellent time to ensure that those lessons stick. Ghosts from the past (or those deeply similar) may make reappearances, but it’s up to you to decide whether you will go back down those roads again or if you can assert yourself and not cave to the emotional demands of others. You have a chance to reflect on your most significant relationships, friendships, mentors, and enemies. What have they shown you about yourself? What will you take moving forward? It’s entirely up to you.


For Libra risings specifically, Pluto spent 20 years in your 4th House of Home and Roots. Home may not have always been easy to define or didn’t always feel safe and secure in the ways it should have. Family relationships may have held rifts, and generational traumas may have carried so much weight you thought you had to carry. Now that Pluto is revisiting this house, you may feel the urge to reflect on your upbringing and childhood and fully grapple with how it shaped you. You may even feel the need to dig more into what home means to you now. This could be a good time to connect with a therapist or dive more into healing journeys that help you shape an idea of what family can look like in the future. Don’t feel the need to bury the past—it still has a few more things to show you.


Pluto spent the last two decades focused on your career and public image, Aries. You may have felt pressure and even some insecurity regarding your life path in this area, but your leadership instincts have always held value. While it may have been difficult to trust where you were heading, Pluto still taught you that taking a step is the best thing you can do for yourself. Now that it’s returning to this 10th House, remind yourself how far you’ve come. You have made plenty of moves, mistakes, and moments, and they’ve led you to where you are right now. Even if your confidence is still shaken from time to time, don’t forget that you’ve been preparing for where you are now for quite some time—you’re more ready than you think.