"They'll Consider It A Green Flag If..." Based On Their Birth Month

“They’ll Consider It A Green Flag If…” Based On Their Birth Month


I’ll consider it a green flag if you make your feelings for me clear without me needing to ask you for clarification or for you to put a label on the relationship.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you keep me informed about where you’re going and what you’re doing instead of dodging questions and leaving me wondering what’s happened to you.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you say thank you frequently and genuinely seem to appreciate everything that I do for you, even the small things most people would take for granted.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you set aside time for me in your hectic schedule because it proves that you’re prioritizing our relationship and actually care about spending quality time with me.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you always text back, even if it’s to say that you’re busy and won’t be able to get back to me for a while.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you show up on time and stick to scheduled plans, showing me that you value my time.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you make an effort to bond with my loved ones–whether it’s my children, my pets, or my little siblings and cousins.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you are willing to compromise when we’re on separate pages instead of insisting that you’re right and we do things your way.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you remember the little things that I say to you and bring them up in future conversations so I know that you’ve been paying close attention whenever I speak.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you check in with me about how I’m feeling and always make sure I’m comfortable instead of pressuring me into situations that I’m not ready for.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you can make me laugh, even when I’m feeling low and struggling, instead of running away at the first sign of trouble.


I’ll consider it a green flag if you take an active interest in my favorite shows, bands, and hobbies because you value my thoughts and opinions.