This Is Every Zodiac’s Biggest Romantic Turn-On
ARIES: Effort.
It’s true that you love a good chase, but not as much as you enjoy being the one pursued. There’s nothing that turns your sign on more than effort. You’re attracted to someone who goes after what they want—and you certainly don’t mind being the object of that desire. Having someone put in energy into conquering you makes you feel like the center of the universe. In relationships, you appreciate a partner who continues to place active effort into making you happy. You want someone who goes to great lengths to plan a fun date or make you feel special. There’s nothing that excites you more in romance as someone who’s passionate about keeping the spark alive and making it work.
TAURUS: A luxurious romantic scene.
Your sign governs the five senses—you want romance to be an immersive experience. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and luxury, love for you is a decadent act. You’re turned on by opulence in courtship and relationships. Candlelit dinners with music that sets the mood, bubble baths for two, a lavish hotel bed sprinkled with rose petals in your favorite color—this is what makes you fall hard. It turns you on to be magically transported through sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste. You want to escape this world and enter another that you can explore slowly one-on-one with your lover. It’s how it makes you feel wanted and special that you can’t get enough of.
GEMINI: Having your mind read.
Your sign has to feel heard, listened to, and understood in order to feel an authentic connection with someone. You’re ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, which influences you to be expressive. It also makes you yearn to be seen without judgment. There’s nothing that turns you on more than someone who just gets you. Being in a safe space where you can be yourself freely makes you want to open up on a deeper level. You’re attracted to someone who you can comfortably share things with and who communicates openly. Nothing melts you like your significant other being able to read your mind with just one look. When someone instinctively knows what you’re thinking or feeling, you know they’re for keeps.
CANCER: Displays of affection.
You may try to act otherwise at times, but you’re a softie and a true romantic at heart. Although you have no reason to, you can sometimes feel insecure. Because of your sensitive nature, you appreciate someone who is in tune with their emotions and is unafraid of expressing them. You need to feel secure that your lover reciprocates the intensity of your feelings. Nothing turns you on like having someone show you this through genuine warmth and affection. You want a classic fairytale romance. Thoughtful gestures, slow dancing, handwritten love letters, flowers—you want to be swept off your feet. If someone wants to win you over, they simply have to treat you like the protagonist in your own rom com.
LEO: Being spoiled.
You have a reputation for your big ego, but underneath your self-assured personality, there’s a deeply sweet and sensitive person. In romance, you actually feel more comfortable giving than you do receiving. You’re an extremely generous sign when it comes to love. You shower your partners with attention and affection. Having that reciprocated is a serious turn-on. Being spoiled makes your heart race. It’s not about what you’re getting as much as how it makes you feel. A simple thoughtful gesture can make you feel truly appreciated and seen. You just want to know someone feels lucky to have you and that they understand you for who you truly are as a person.
VIRGO: True intimacy.
Mercury influences you to pay very close attention to every little detail about your lover. You want to know everything there is to know about them. It’s rare that you’d admit it, but being discovered is one of your biggest desires, too. Knowing that someone understands you fully is a serious turn-on. When someone knows your routines and idiosyncrasies, it makes you feel connected and appreciated. You love it when someone demonstrates that they pay close attention to your interests and quirks. When a lover gives you something you’ve been dying (but forbidding) to buy yourself, knows your favorite skincare line, or buys a french press specifically because you prefer your coffee made that way—these are all little things that mean a lot to you.
LIBRA: Being part of a “we.”
You desire balance and harmony in all things. Since you’re ruled by Venus, the planet of love, you typically seek those things in companionship. Partnerships are paramount to your sign—you love the nuances of romance and being in a relationship. You long to feel loved and a part of something much bigger than yourself. There’s nothing that makes you weaker in the knees than hearing someone say “we” and “us” instead of “I” and “me.” You like knowing that someone takes you into consideration when making decisions, big or small. It’s a turn-on for you to hear someone include you in their future plans. Being equals with someone in a loving relationship would be your biggest fantasy come to life.
SCORPIO: Physical contact and chemistry.
Your sign rules the hips and sexual organs, making you one of the most erotic zodiacs. Sex is as important to you as trust and honesty in a relationship. You’re extremely passionate and have very few boundaries. Sex for you is almost a transcendental and spiritual experience. You want someone who is as equally well versed in the art of seduction and who can match your fiery sexual energy. Nothing turns you on more than physical contact and intense sexual chemistry. Searing eye contact, a firm grip, a graze on the knee or thigh, a lingering whisper in your ear—and you become undone. You want the tension to be palpable. You long to feel desired and deeply connected to your lover.
Sag, you fall in love quickly and you get bored just as quickly. This is because you need novelty, and sometimes partners fail to just bring it in a relationship. You’re the explorer of the zodiac. Nothing turns you on more than new experiences and adventure. You’re turned on by someone open-minded who is willing to take risks and embrace the unknown. Being surprised by spontaneity is a serious turn-on for your sign. You don’t want to go to dinner with your prospective mate—you want to book a last minute flight or go on an impromptu road trip. You’re a free-spirit who longs for someone with the same addiction to curiosity and wanderlust. If someone wants to woo you, the way to do it is by creating adrenaline-filled memorable moments with you.
CAPRICORN: Quality time.
Like all things in life, your sign approaches romance and dating in a very traditional manner. You’re ruled by Saturn, which means you prefer to do things by the book, including relationships. For you, being able to spend quality time together is of utmost importance. You’re often misunderstood as being cold and unemotional, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. You have a soft, vulnerable side that needs serious tending to. Someone carving out time for you and putting effort into making plans with you shows you that they care. Being able to be alone with them to connect makes you feel utterly spoiled. You just want to be shown that whoever you’re going to hand your heart to is reliable and steady.
AQUARIUS: Deep conversation.
Often, you’re misunderstood as being detached. Although it’s true that you’re capable of emotionally distancing yourself more than any other sign, you long to get to know someone on a deeper, more emotional level. You want to see who is behind “the mask” and get to know what makes other people truly unique. Your biggest romantic turn-on is deep, philosophical, and intellectual conversation. The way through your heart is by talking about the mysteries of the universe and sharing secrets with each other. You want to fall in love by becoming friends with someone first. You’re most turned on by someone who is unafraid of sharing their thoughts, sensibilities, and most eccentric quirks—someone who feels no shame laying it all out.
PISCES: Sensitivity.
There’s nothing you yearn for more in life than to feel a deep spiritual connection with another person. You’re a highly emotional and sensitive creature. Everything you feel is felt intensely. You fantasize about someone who understands the power of emotion coming into your life and sweeping you off your feet. Your dream love is a person who is highly attuned with their emotions and those of others and who isn’t afraid to express how they feel. You’re a romantic at heart who wants a fairytale romance. A sensitive, expressive, and empathetic soul makes you feel like you can trust and let down your guard.