This Is The Green Flag That Makes Each Zodiac Realize They’ve Found The One
ARIES: They make you feel like slowing down (a little).
Your sign is the wildfire of the zodiac. Ever so adventurous and impulsive, you soak up everything life has to offer. There’s an endless hunger in you for “firsts.” Your curiosity pushes you to dive into every experience possible. It’s your passion and determination that motivates you to take every opportunity that falls into your lap. You’re always juggling various projects, responsibilities, and pursuits. When you meet the one, they make you feel like you want to be still—like settling down will be a big adventure.
TAURUS: They bring even more stability into your life.
Your soulmate makes your carefully constructed life feel even more stable. You don’t feel jealous or possessive over them. The connection between you too instills security and harmony in your relationship. When they need space, you’re completely at peace with it. With them, you understand that personal freedom inside a relationship is completely normal. They never make you doubt their love for you or the trust you’ve placed in them.
GEMINI: You can be your unfiltered self around them.
The one who never makes you feel judged. You feel comfortable and confident being your truest self around them and telling them anything. You feel secure, loved, and accepted by them (so do all of your personalities). The communication between you two is impeccable. You are able to speak honestly and work through everything together. They just get you. This person can read your thoughts just by looking into your eyes and picking up on your body language.
CANCER: You feel at home.
Finding the one for you feels like coming home—they’re the family you always hoped for. You feel like you can trust them and be vulnerable around them. They don’t make you feel insecure and you never feel anxiety about the possibility of losing this person. You’re constantly reassured of their love, not just through words, but through their every action. Your soulmate embraces your loved ones. They see a future with you and they’re not shy about speaking about it.
LEO: You want to compromise.
If there’s one thing you value more than your pride, it’s power and control—two things you hardly ever relinquish. The person that is meant for you makes you feel like you want to compromise. They don’t ever pressure you to, but you happily and willingly oblige because there’s nothing that you want more than to make it work with them. This is because for you their happiness takes priority over everything.
VIRGO: You don’t overthink when you’re with them.
When you meet the one, your worries fly out the window. In their company, you stop overanalyzing everything. They help get you out of the crevices of your brain. You start listening to your heart instead of your head. There is no more second-guessing, especially when it comes to your relationship. You feel safe enough to let down your walls and let someone in to see all of you. They make you feel loved and accepted for who you are, helping you shed away every insecurity. With them, you fully embrace yourself. This person brings stability so sturdy into your life that you know they’re the one you want to build a life with.
LIBRA: You’d rather be with them than anywhere else.
The person meant for you would never dream of pushing you to give up your “me time,” but you’d rather spend quality time with them than do anything else. They’ll encourage you to keep flapping social butterfly wings. You will, however, find yourself clearing up your calendar for them. This is because your soulmate will be the one place you truly feel harmony and peace. They will bring a balance into your life, unlike anything you’ve ever known. In their arms, you’ll find yourself being more expressive, compassionate, and understanding.
SCORPIO: You feel like you can show them the real you.
When you meet the person you’re destined to be with, you shed away your tough exterior. This love will bring out the soft side you push so far down within yourself. They make you unafraid to be emotionally vulnerable with them. You feel inspired to expose yourself to them and allow yourself to be discovered. The one who makes you want to reveal all your secrets, even the ugly truths. You’re not afraid of “what ifs” and you’re confident they’d never betray you. They make you a more trusting person in general.
SAGITTARIUS: You want to experience everything with them.
Sag, you’re always searching for the deeper meaning in—usually in far and unfamiliar places. Your sign is the explorer of the zodiac. You want to immerse yourself in every experience and culture the world has to offer. When you meet your forever lover, they make you want to book trips for two because you simply can’t bear to part with them. They don’t want to take away your freedom, but you want to experience everything with them. This person is someone who will make settling down feel anything but boring.
CAPRICORN: They make you feel understood.
You’re one of the most unique signs of the zodiac, often struggling with feeling seen and heard by others. The one for you will make you feel understood. You won’t have to explain yourself to them, but you’ll feel comfortable doing so. This person can read you with a simple glance as if you speak a language only you two know. They make you want to connect on a deeper emotional level. You feel safe doing so because your forever lover also cherishes stability as much as you do. Your soulmate is someone who shares your same values, passions, and goals.
AQUARIUS: They make you want to be emotionally available.
Although you’re the humanitarian sign and friendship zodiac, you’re emotionally distanced, and even detached from others. You struggle with being vulnerable. Matters of the heart aren’t exactly your forte. The one for you inspires you to be emotionally available. This person brings out your warm, soft side that you hide deep within. They make you want to merge on a spiritual level.
PISCES: They make the world seem filled with possibility.
When you find your true love, it feels deeper than infatuation—than falling in love, even. You view life in colors you had never seen before. Your forever person makes the world feel like it’s full of excitement and possibility. Your feelings are intense, but you feel grounded. This person is someone nurturing and sensible. They believe in your dreams and do everything in their power to help you make them a reality. You feel safe being vulnerable with them because they’re emotionally open. They inspire you to create an even more beautiful and creative universe for both of you to be in together.