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This Is What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect This Capricorn Season

Capricorn season has arrived, friends—and with it, a chance to reflect and prepare for the upcoming year. Starting December 22nd and ending January 19th, the Sun will move into the sign of Capricorn and will be turning our attention to finishing out the year (and starting a new one) in a way we can be proud of.

As one most associated with hard work and determination, Capricorn isn’t here to mess around. This is a sign that often knows what it wants and will push themselves until they get it. This can be a great boost of motivation for all of us as we strive to achieve goals and make plans for the future. However, this can also be a time when we feel the need to do everything all at once and not allow ourselves to rest—something we need to keep in mind as the year comes to a close.

Additionally, Capricorn season does have a few retrogrades taking place—the continuation of Mars’ retrograde (which ends January 12th) will be weighing heavy on our drive and sinking our energy levels, so it helps to be mindful of how we care for ourselves. Additionally, it would only make sense that Mercury would close out the year by shifting into retrograde on December 29th—which could set the stage for some nostalgia and miscommunication if we aren’t paying attention. Luckily, Capricorn isn’t afraid to take on challenges!

Check out your zodiac sign below (Sun and Rising!) to get an idea of what you can expect this Capricorn season.


Once we shift into Capricorn season, work (and the vision for your future) will be asking for attention as the Sun moves through your 10th House of Career. This is likely a time when you will be noticed for the progress and achievements you’ve made this year, so take credit where credit is due. Keep in mind, Mercury Retrograde starts right at the very end of December, so there may be some slight miscommunication surrounding collaborative projects, as well as some roadblocks in trying to make your visions a reality. Keep yourself focused and don’t get too discouraged, as some rest might be exactly what you need to start the new year off right. Don’t be afraid to slow down a little.


Once Capricorn season arrives, your 9th House of Philosophy, Travel, and Higher Education will be getting some attention. You may feel inspired to try something new or pursue a new interest—something you should certainly listen to. New perspectives may also be revealing themselves to you, and while you may prefer to stay grounded in what you know, this season is a time to open yourself up a little more to what the world has to offer—after all, the New Year is about starting fresh, isn’t it?


Truly, Capricorn season isn’t the smoothest of months for you right now, Gemini. With Mars in Retrograde still happening in your sign, and your ruling planet Mercury going into retrograde later in the month, it’s no surprise you might be feeling more restless and chaotic than usual. With Capricorn season taking place in your 8th House of Bonds, Transformation, and Shared Resources, this is a good time to take a step back and lean on your closer connections. Spending some time one on one will also benefit you as you try to sift through your feelings and circumstances, but just remember you don’t have to go through these things alone.


Once Capricorn season arrives in your 7th House of Partnerships, it’s a good idea to invest in your loved ones—which is good timing with the holiday season taking place during this time. Whether it’s a significant other, close friends, or chosen family, take some extra time to be intentional in showing how much they mean to you. With Mercury in Retrograde taking place at the end of the month, it could lead to some slight hiccups in misunderstandings, but don’t stress—just think through the ways you want to express your feelings to others, such as ensuring you’re loving them the way they need to be cared for, not just based on your own love languages. 


Who says New Year’s Resolutions have to start in January? Once Capricorn season starts, take the time to prepare for new habits and resolutions you want to achieve in the coming year—you’ll need the energy to take on what it has in store. While it may feel very pragmatic at the moment, taking the time to get things together will truly benefit you in the long run, especially in terms of getting in tune with yourself and sourcing what you need before 2023 rolls around and turns your attention towards others.


While the chaos of the end of the year is surprising to no one, you likely will be feeling it a little more as Capricorn season shines a spotlight on your 5th House of Creativity and Romance. You may be feeling a bit uninspired, especially once Mercury (your ruling planet) goes into Retrograde, but this could be the time to try something completely out of the ordinary to jumpstart that creative side again. You may experience some crossed signals involving inspiration and social engagements, but it’s not the end of the world. You may be surprised by what comes out of this (somewhat) unpredictable time for you.


Once Capricorn season arrives and stirs up your 4th House of Home and Roots, this is a good time to keep family close and recharge as much as possible. You tend to place your focus on others, so this season is a good reminder that it’s okay to take care of/focus on yourself, too. Whether you’re in need of some extra support or just want to feel connected to your roots, don’t be afraid to voice what you need. Once Mercury in Retrograde arrives, there could be some potential tension (as there always is with family) but clearly communicating and being patient are your best bets during this period. 


When Capricorn season arrives, you’ll likely be feeling the desire to reflect and share with others some serious insights, as you should. It’s no secret that 2022 was a lot for you, especially during the Eclipse seasons, yet now that Capricorn season is moving through your 3rd House of Communication and Close Connections, you may feel like sharing more about how far you’ve come this year. Once Mars moves out of its Retrograde in your 11th House of Networking and Friendships, this urge may feel even stronger, as if a weight has been lifted. While you’re known for keeping things to yourself, this could be an opportunity for you to really reflect on your personal growth, so embrace it.


As we transition out of your sign into Capricorn season, don’t fall into the temptation to take on everything all at once. While your new revelations about yourself may cause you to want to make some significant changes right now. Of course, while Capricorn really does bring the “go-getter” energy, it’s also a sign that values panning and efficiency, two things you could really benefit from at the moment. With the season taking place in your 2nd House of Finances, Values, and Self-Worth, this is a great time to make plans, not promises. Especially once Mercury in Retrograde comes around, you’ll be glad you didn’t jump the gun on any big life changes. 


Happy Birthday, Capricorn!!! At last, your season has arrived, and while the holidays may be overshadowing you, it’s a good time to turn your focus inward. Once you step into your season, it’s time to reassess if who you are is who you want to be, and if not, how to change that. This season will likely be filled with plenty of goals to improve yourself (especially with the New Year around the corner), and while change may not always be the easiest, you know that taking steps to grow into a better version of yourself is always worth it. While Mercury in Retrograde may throw a few identity crises and expression issues your way, just take a deep breath and roll with it—you have everything you need to work through them.


As Capricorn season arrives, it’s okay to take a step back and recharge. You may be feeling a bit out of it when it comes to trying to communicate your thoughts and feelings (which will only be exacerbated by the Mercury in Retrograde of it all), but you don’t have to say all the right things right now, you just need to take some time to sit with those feelings. With all sorts of chaos and change happening, and your season coming up next, it’s a good time to rest and give yourself some grace.


With Capricorn season showing up in your 11th House of Friends, it’s okay to ask for some much-needed support as you start a new year. Your friends want to be there for you, but they don’t know how unless you say something. While Mercury in Retrograde may make you feel like you’re a burden, remember that telling people how you feel doesn’t have to be an imposition. It can be easy to think you need to handle everything yourself, and Capricorn certainly encourages independence, but it’s equally important to know when you need support and other people to get you through.