This Is What True Embodiment Looks Like
Embodiment a series of undoing, of releasing previous conditioning, stored patterns, and ways of being that no longer feel authentic to you or how you want to show up in the world.
Embodiment is a series of release, a process of trying on new ways of being, experiencing pleasure, and meeting parts of yourself with genuine love, care, and curiosity. It’s the choice to find yourself, to piece together the pieces you find softly.
Embodiment is the courage to meet all parts of you, to see the person beneath the layers. The decision to shed your skin, recognizing you’re safe to do so. You’re stronger than that.
People want to love and support you. Let them in.
Embodiment is soulful self-expression, allowing your colors to be shared with the world. It’s the ability to see other people for who they are and what they represent to you.
Embodiment is learning the difference between what feels like a “fuck yes” and having the courage to take action when things feel like a “hell no,” energetically speaking. Embodiment is honoring direction, even if that means slowing down.
Embodiment is allowing yourself to matter, with healthy doses of humility and self-compassion.
Embodiment is spontaneity. It’s allowing yourself to daydream. You’re a person who matters.
Embodiment is values-based living. It’s roleplay. It’s savoring the unique pieces in which you find yourself, getting to know your special sauce version of meaning, satisfaction, and purpose in this world. It is the gift that keeps on giving—the gift of you.
Embodiment is allowing love in, and remembering this love is you itself.
Embodiment is an open heart with a backbone—understanding your worth, your values, your boundaries all tied up in a pretty package.
Embodiment is forgiveness. The release of all of the times in which you’ve chosen to stay small, pretending your needs, boundaries, and desires don’t matter (and yes, you have them).
Embodiment is the choice to move on, recognizing we’re worth more than the person we once were and the mistakes we’ve made.
Embodiment is freedom, escaping cultural conditioning in favor of authenticity. It’s the choice to accept our ever-changing nature, saying, “This is who I am, and this is what you represent to me.” It’s the choice to see love in beauty.
Embodiment is commitment. Not a commitment to external outcome, but rather to the commitment of being true to ourselves. Embodiment is flexibility, and embodiment is surrender.
Embodiment is the return home. It’s seeing the places you’ve always known and loved, the person you are inside, and caring for the one who sheds tears alone and dances in the shower.
It’s allowing yourself to be human.