Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil (2010)

This Is What Your Favorite Horror Subgenre Says About You

Even the biggest horror fans have preferences when it comes to the big subgenres. There are probably a few genres you always choose over all others, and maybe even a few you refuse to watch entirely. Horror is a mixed bag after all, and sometimes that bag is filled with a load of crap. Whether it’s the release you get from horror comedies or you prefer the absolute gore fest of body horror, you know exactly what you’re going for on a Saturday night at home. And with your choice in horror subgenre, we all know a lot more about you.

If you like slasher movies…

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

Think Scream, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween. You like the creativity of torture porn without the drawn-out executions. The “final girl” trope gives you hope that at least someone will be okay in the end. Plus, you like a little mystery thrown in with your horror. If you prefer slasher horror movies, you’re in it for a scary fun ride with a hopeful happy ending. You’re also stuck in the ’80s.

If you like psychological horror…

Get Out (2017)

Think Unsane, Identity, Get Out. You prefer the horrors of the mind over anything physical, and you especially hate anything with jump scares. When people talk to you about horror, you usually say you don’t like scary movies because you assume they mean the other stuff. If you prefer psychological horror, you probably don’t like much else, and you’re perfectly fine with that.

If you like paranormal horror…

Poltergeist (1982)

Think Insidious, Poltergeist, The Conjuring. You’ll go for ghosts any day of the week over real-world killers. If you’re going to watch horror, you want it to be as far from your reality as possible. If you prefer paranormal horror, you love a good jump scare and you truly believe you lived in a haunted house growing up.

If you like horror comedy…

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010)

Think Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil, Scout’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, Happy Death Day. Honestly, you’re just here to have a good time. You aren’t a horror purist and you think those people are boring. If you prefer horror comedy, you were probably a jock in high school and you still end up being the life of the party given the chance.

If you like found footage…

Blair Witch Project (1999)

Think Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity. You’ve been blessed with an iron stomach when it comes to shaky cam footage and like to feel as though what you’re watching actually happened in real life (even if you have to suspend some disbelief.) If you prefer found footage films, you secretly hope that your life will turn into a horror movie. Your TikTok FYP is also filled with people insisting they’re living through a nightmare.

If you like home invasions…

The Strangers (2008)

Think The Strangers, The Purge, You’re Next. Nothing hits the spot like watching people’s homes get invaded. It’s something that could happen to anyone in real life, and does. If you prefer home invasions, you’re either not afraid of anything, or you don’t mind sleeping with a baseball bat in your hand and all the lights on.

If you like demonic possession…

The Exorcist (1973)

Think The Exorcist, Jennifer’s Body, The Evil Dead. While having a lot of crossover with the paranormal genre, you specifically love when demons are inhabiting people’s bodies. The horror comes from the internal struggle more than some sort of exterior force. If you prefer demonic possession, you likely grew up religious and always hoped you could use possession as an excuse when you were acting out.

If you like zombies…

Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Think Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later. The end of the world is happening over and over with this genre, and you’re having a blast. If you prefer zombie movies, you’re obsessed with survival and have a detailed escape plan for any kind of upcoming world-ending apocalypse.

If you like vampires…

Interview With The Vampire (1994)

Think Interview with the Vampire, Underworld, Let the Right One In. Unlike some other killers, vampires require close proximity under the cover of night. If you prefer vampire movies, you’re either very open about your sexual attraction to vampires, or you hide it while scoffing at all the people who are “stupid” for loving Twilight. Admit it: You’ve got the hots for Lestat.

If you like creature features…

Frankenstein (1931)

Think Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, The Blob. The further away from reality, the better. Creature features are all about taking fears to the extreme, finding a physical embodiment of inner darkness. After all, movie monsters are just walking metaphors. If you prefer creature features, you don’t like any horror movies that have come out in the last 50 years, and you’re fine with that.

If you like body horror…

The Fly (1986)

Think Human Centipede, Tusk, The Fly. We all have bodies, so body horror plays off the fear that you can lose control of the one thing that’s so intimately yours. The genre is all about getting as disgusting and horrifying as possible. If you prefer body horror, you love to show these movies to anyone who’s willing to sit on your couch, and you revel and their disgusted reactions.

If you like torture porn…

Saw (2004)

Think Saw, Hostel, House of 1000 Corpses. While torture porn and slasher movies have creative deaths in common, there’s a big difference between the two. While slasher deaths are usually quick and the films feature the “final girl” trope, torture porn is intent on drawing out the pain with little hope of survival. If you prefer torture porn, you just want to watch the world burn. You’re also bummed most people don’t want to watch movies with you.