This Is Why Twin Flame Relationships End
Each one of us will experience a relationship that teaches us something. But more importantly, we will — at some point — meet a twin flame.
Twin flames are an intense soul connection: we are drawn to one another and it might feel as if we’ve known each other before. They say twin flames are one soul that has been split into two bodies. As “mirrored souls,” we see ourselves in one another.
This connection is a part of our spiritual journey. Our twin flame is meant to teach, challenge, and help guide us through the deepest and most feared parts of ourselves. They awaken something in us and force us to confront our insecurities and doubts. It can be an overwhelming and emotional relationship and sometimes, it can even be toxic. But through it all, twin flames are meant to help us become the best versions of ourselves.
Twin flame connections don’t last forever. It will end when it’s meant to — whether that’s for a little bit of time, or for good. Twin flame separations are common — it’s why people often wonder if off-and-on relationships are those of a twin flame. Some twin flames find their way back to one another, whereas others don’t. But nonetheless, this separation is crucial for our journey of growth. This is why it happens:
Lack of self-love.
There’s a neediness or a sense of co-dependency between the two of you. While it’s okay to be able to depend on a partner, it’s not okay to depend only on them — especially for your own happiness and love. Jealousy and anxious attachment are signs that there is more self-growth and more-self love needed.
Healing needs to happen.
Some people come into our lives when we least expect it, and sometimes it’s when we’re in the beginning or the midst of our healing journey. Whether it’s from a previous breakup, a death, or another loss, all of us are grieving something or someone and mending parts of ourselves we’ve lost. If your twin flame enters your life while you’re healing, just know that the connection won’t last for long — but they will come back when it’s time.
It’s just not the right time.
You know how the saying goes: right person, wrong time. When you’re separating from a twin flame connection, you’ll know in your heart and soul that the two of you will find your way back to one another. And when that happens, just wait for the signs of a reunion. When people are meant to be in your life (whether that’s for a long time or a short while), you’ll just know.