This Is Your Reminder That The Sun Never Stops Shining, Even Behind The Clouds
Every time you see glimpses of sun shining through the clouds, I want you to remember to hold on to hope.
I know you’re wondering where to go from here. You’re just living life. At first it was fun—parties, friends, and hook-ups—but you’ve quickly realized that many of those connections were surface-level. You’re searching for more. Real meaning. You’re seeking out that slow-burning, commitment-based love. Not lust or someone who only sticks around when life is going well.
You’re wondering what you have left to hope for. Life didn’t turn out as you’d envisioned. You keep rehearsing the day-to-day—work, eat, home, maybe visit with friends. But what you’re waiting for is that small moment of bliss. You want someone to grab your hand out of the dirt-filled grave and pull you out. You want to feel alive. You’re used to working on autopilot to stay ahead of life. You don’t know how to stop. You can’t stop. If you do, who’s going to carry the load of your responsibilities? You’d love a moment to exhale, to fold into someone’s arms, close your eyes, and feel assured that everything will be okay.
Right now, the vision in front of you is hazy. You have no idea how circumstances will see themselves through. But your life isn’t over. You see, the sun never stops shining, but the clouds sometimes stop us from seeing it. You feel stuck when instead you’re growing. You feel left behind when you’re actually preparing. If you feel rejected, remember that you meet the right people at the right time to gain a better understanding of yourself. I know it seems impossible, but know that these clouds in your life are temporary. Refuse to allow disappointment, loss, or uncertainty to consume you.
Maintain the validity of hope. Hope is a living concept, though it can seem to fade over time as we navigate life’s uncertainties. This is not an indication to give up. This is not your sign that hope is lost for you. Find new moments to be hopeful about. Hold on to them.
I know you’re overwhelmed. I know you’ve been working to the brink of collapse for a long time. I’m sure you’ve put your trust in the wrong people. I’m sure you’ve opened your heart only to have it broken one too many times. I know you’ve fought with all your heart for the life you desire. Yet it still didn’t turn out the way you anticipated. Lay your head and rest a while. There’s more to your story than meets the eye. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how many mistakes you’ve made, how hopeless you think your story is, how much love you’ve lost, or how many betrayals you’ve overcome. It’s not too late for you.
You’re still here, and that’s no coincidence. It only takes a split-second for your life to change. It’s that one phone call. It’s that one person who says an encouraging word. It’s that child who makes you smile. It’s that flower that blooms between the cracks. It’s all about faith. Your life isn’t over. Please remember the glimpses of sunlight. You see, the sun never stops shining, but the clouds sometimes stop us from seeing it.