This Is Your Reminder To Stop Being So Hard On Yourself
As I navigate through an uncertain time in my life, my first thoughts are “Why is this happening to me?” and “Why does everyone else around me seem to have their lives figured out?” We can’t help but think this when things aren’t exactly going our way. But this is a gentle reminder, not just to myself, but to those around me feeling the same thing, that you don’t need to be so hard on yourself; you really don’t.
While it’s incredibly easy to get wrapped up in the stories other people share online, have the courage to focus on yourself. Have the courage to fully realize that you are on your own path and writing your own story; it doesn’t need to be the same as somebody else’s. Have the courage to know that your time will come, perhaps even soon. Have the courage to know that you will be alright in the end, because you always have and it’s your faith that will keep you grounded through this time.
You should be proud of the person you wake up to each day, even if you haven’t fully arrived at the person you want to become. The growth that you need is here. The healing that you need is here. Don’t get so wrapped up in a future version of yourself that prohibits you from being proud of yourself now. It’s only when we take inventory of our lives that we can fully see that one should always be proud of where they are today.
So, please, for your own mental health and well-being, give yourself a break in this life. Pursue what calls you, but don’t create a deadline for it. When the time is right, everything will unfold in perfect alignment. When the time is right you will understand why you had to go through this wave. So in the meantime, gently remind yourself that you are calm and confident, your energy is contagious, and you exude capability.
By changing your self-talk, you can inherently change the way you present yourself to the world. By becoming aware of your limiting beliefs, you can change the scope of your story and be gentle with yourself as you navigate the peaks and valleys of a life well-lived. Be gentle with yourself and remember that your time will come. This is a reminder to believe in perfect timing.