Thought Catalog Agency

This Zodiac Sign Has The Hardest Time Finding Love

Ah, Aquarius.

Aquarians hold a reputation for being aloof, emotionless, creatures. They’d rather spend their time and energy focusing on building their career, curating their home, and helping the world around them. Being in a romantic relationship is not at the top of their priority list, which is why it’s so hard for them to find love. In fact, it takes a long time for them to get to that place where they want to be in a relationship.

This air sign doesn’t fall head over heels the way others do, but they aren’t immune to feelings either. They are friendly and enjoy talking to people, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are willing to open up on a deeper level with anyone. They are reserved and practical in that way — they won’t allow the messiness and complications of emotions to get in their way.

Aquarians won’t settle for just anyone, and they can be quite stubborn in that way. They won’t allow themselves to feel romantic feelings for someone if they don’t see the potential of the partner and the relationship. It takes a particular kind of person to make them not only feel deep feelings but also want to be in a relationship. They need someone who makes them feel intensely, who respects their need for space, and who understands them and their mind and their heart.