Too Many Girls With Soft Hearts Accept The Bare Minimum
Rowan Kyle

Too Many Girls With Soft Hearts Accept The Bare Minimum

Too many girls with soft hearts accept the bare minimum because they get attached to whoever they’re dating. They don’t want to trade one relationship in for another. Once they find someone special, they have trouble letting go even when they aren’t getting the amount they deserve. They would rather fight for the relationship. Unfortunately, one person can’t do all the fighting. They can’t shoulder all the work. If both people aren’t putting their all into the relationship, it isn’t going to work out in the end. 

Too many girls with soft hearts accept the bare minimum because they believe in forgiveness. If their partner screws up, they give the benefit of the doubt. They accept apologies and move forward as a team. But their forgiveness can backfire on them because their partners aren’t always as honest as they are. Their partners don’t always share the same morals. They don’t always hold themselves to the same high standards that girls with soft hearts do.

Too many girls with soft hearts accept the bare minimum because they don’t want to be greedy. They don’t want to ask for too much. They don’t want to inconvenience their partner – but the right person won’t feel like helping you out is an inconvenience. They won’t hesitate to go out of their way for you. They will be happy that you called them over everyone else, that you trust them to be there. The right person won’t make you feel guilty about asking for more or accuse you of having standards that are unreachable because they’ll be busy trying their best to make you happy.

Too many girls with soft hearts accept the bare minimum because that’s what they have come to expect from relationships. They have settled for the wrong people in the past, so they never learned how much they were worth. They never realized that there is more out there than the bare minimum. As long as the next person treats them slightly better than their exes, then they’ll be happy. But that’s not nearly enough. They deserve so much more and don’t always realize it.

Too many girls with soft hearts accept the bare minimum because they’re worried about chasing their partner away. They’re scared that voicing their complaints is going to end the relationship – and that’s not what they want. However, if someone is unwilling to give you what you need, you might as well end the relationship now. You might as well continue your journey without them because you need someone who wants to be there for you. Someone who wants to rise above and beyond your expectations.

Too many girls with soft hearts accept the bare minimum, but that needs to change. You need to hold out for the type of love you deserve. It’s so much better to wait a little longer for that person who will treat you right than to pretend a relationship is working out with the wrong person. Remember, having a soft heart doesn’t mean you need to stay to make this person happy. Your happiness matters too. You need to start placing yourself as a priority, here and now.