Anh Nguyen

Top 4 Narcissistic Men Of The Zodiac

Narcissism exists on a spectrum – from being vain and self-absorbed to being cruel and lacking in empathy. Narcissists can be of any zodiac sign and any gender but women have long been claiming that certain zodiac signs for men tend to be on the narcissistic side and tend to exhibit more of the manipulative behaviors and traits associated with narcissism. But is that really true? Let’s talk more about the four zodiac men who are often called narcissistic and why that may be. 

Pisces men.

This free-flowing, sensitive Zodiac sign may present itself as unhealthy if their hypersensitivity is weaponized against others to manipulate people. When a Pisces man is narcissistic and is lacking in the empathy normally associated with this sign, he may present as a man with mommy issues who constantly needs excessive reassurance from the women he dates or as a covert narcissist who excessively tries to prey on your sympathy to get away with abhorrent behavior with pity ploys. He may love-bomb you with attention and affection in the beginning to hook you, only to pull away when you’re invested. Women who have dated toxic Pisces men routinely call themselves “survivors” and warn that they may pull you under with their riptide of emotional turbulence. On the other hand, when a Pisces man is healthy and not narcissistic, they can be some of the sweetest and most generous boyfriends, emotionally attuned to your desires and feelings.  It’s all about finding the right Pisces man! 

Sagittarius men.

As a Sagittarius woman, I always say we are not to be held liable for the actions of Sagittarius men. That being said, Sagittarius men certainly do have quite the reputation among women who note that their flirtatious nature and noncommittal way of behaving in relationships gets them into trouble. An honorary mention also goes to Gemini, who didn’t make the list but is similarly wired. But are they really all cheaters and philanderers? Likely not, but the adventurous Sagittarius may present a bit differently in men than women due to social conditioning. Whereas Sagittarius women may be more inhibited by gendered expectations, the Sagittarius man feels more free to roam and explore and give into their fiery nature and sexual wanderlust more often — which can lead to both physical or emotional cheating. Perhaps some Sagittarius men do deserve the bad rep, but there are good ones out there too. A non-toxic Sagittarius men is caring, compassionate, will make you laugh, take you on romantic adventures, and connect with you on a soul level. These are the types of qualities that can differentiate a high-quality man from a narcissist. It all depends on the person!

Aquarius men.

Is he a narcissist, or is he just an Aquarius? Jokes aside, many women seem to share the collective trauma of being personally victimized by an Aquarius man or woman (or two, or three) in their lives. This phenomenon has been widely documented across social media. But what is it about Aquarius men that may rub people the wrong way? When an Aquarius is not narcissistic and healthy, he can be one of the kindest, attentive, and most committed of romantic partners — almost to the point of being obsessed with you. Aquarius men hyperfixate on their partners and please them to the max. However, when an Aquarius presents as narcissistic, many women claim he can be one of the coldest men you’ll ever meet, prone to ghosting, emotional unavailability, and hot-and-cold behavior. He may thrive on trying to make his partners jealous, stoking the flames of competition so he can be the center of attention. Aquarius men also tend to disappear often after showering you with affection, a tendency that may be either self-protective or aggressive depending on what kind of man he is. In general, they tend to be one of the more aloof and emotionally detached signs which is what gives them this reputation even when it’s not always warranted. Brr… is it chilly in here or is it the stonewalling and the silent treatment you seem to receive whenever you’ve been with an Aquarius for too long? 

Virgo men.

Ahh, Virgo men. These pretty boys of the Zodiac can be quite overbearing at times when they are narcissistic. A healthy Virgo, like beloved actor Keanu Reeves, is self-disciplined and morally upright, emotionally generous and kind-hearted. But an unhealthy Virgo man will hypercriticize and nitpick you, constantly moving the goal posts and setting up impossible standards to sabotage you. They expect princess treatment from the women they date and often want to be taken care of financially and emotionally by their partners without much reciprocity. Women on average report that Virgo men are also quite controlling and can be self-absorbed and vain. If you are going to go for a Virgo partner, we recommend one who is emotionally balanced and uses his perfectionism constructively for progress and self-improvement, not for the purposes of micromanaging others. At the end of the day, anyone can be narcissistic regardless of their zodiac sign, so it’s important to withhold judgement until you’ve observed someone’s behaviors. If you suspect you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, it’s important to learn the red flags, seek help and detach. You deserve to heal from toxic people