Jacqueline Whitney

What Each Birth Month Needs To Hear This Weekend


What is best for you will find you. What is meant to be will come to be. Life is a rhythm of highs and lows and in-betweens, but it is all a part of your story. It all matters. Because even if something isn’t meant to happen, redemption and healing can always happen. Mistakes can always be forgiven. Freedom can always be found. You are free to be whoever you dream to be. You are deeply loved through it all.


Slowly, you will find your way back to yourself. You will find yourself alone one day and finally understand why everything had to happen how it did. You will understand that you wouldn’t be the person you are today without the pains of your yesterdays. I am not saying everything that happened to you was right or valid or should have happened. I am saying you are always strong enough to become a stronger person because of it.


I’m so proud of you.

I’m so proud of you for doing your best to be okay. I’m so proud of you for waking up everyday and trying…. I’m so proud of you for being here today because I know some of your yesterday’s were really hard. I don’t know what you’re going through but you are going to get through it. You are going to get through whatever you’re going through. I hope you fight for yourself when no one else does and I hope you know you are worthy of your wildest dreams. You are someone worth fighting for. Keep going.


You are worth someone’s complete attention and care, but this is your reminder that you are also worth your own. Give yourself all the time and attention you need to heal. You are doing better than you think you are.


One of the bravest things you can do to change your life is step away from people you love but know are bringing you down more than up. Maybe it’s temporary, or maybe it’s forever; either way, it is necessary for your mental health. You don’t have to feel guilty. You aren’t a bad human being because of the walls you have to build to protect your soul. The truth is, it is never a selfish move to do what’s best for you.


Negative thoughts give birth to negative experiences and attract negative people. Positive thoughts awaken purpose and peace. Changing the way you think is a tedious process, but slowly you will begin to see your daily thoughts naturally change—one thought at a time. Forgive your mind when it’s talking negatively and erase that energy with a kind thought. This healing and transformative season is eternally important. Don’t ignore it.


The world is better because of you.

If today was difficult for you, I hope you know that tomorrow can be better. I hope you know that the moments that are uncomfortable or hurt or don’t make sense will pass. I hope you remind yourself of all the times you didn’t think you were going to feel better but you did.


Change is scary but change is necessary. You won’t feel ready to take the next step—the step your heart has been calling you to, the one that feels right, even if it’s just a subtle feeling. Something within you will tell you that you are in need of change, that you are ready for new experiences and growth. You are ready for change when you constantly feel uncontent and irritable. You are ready for change when parts of your past no longer hold the same pain they did before. You are ready for change even when you don’t feel ready.


Remember, just because you struggle with anxiety does not make you broken or weak or whatever negative word you convince yourself that you are. Anxiety is a lesson that can lead to wisdom. Your soul is filled with compassion. Take care of yourself, okay?


It will be okay. You will be okay.

I am sending a prayer of love to those who aren’t feeling like themselves right now. I am sending a prayer of comfort to those who feel lonely. I am sending a prayer of energy to those who don’t have energy. I am sending a prayer of protection to those who don’t feel safe where they are. I am sending a prayer of peace to those who have anxiety. I am sending a prayer of joy to those who are experiencing depression. I am sending a prayer of overwhelming gratitude to those who are kind. I am sending a prayer of love to those who don’t feel loved. I am sending a prayer of grace to those who feel resentful, angry, unforgiving, or judgmental. I am saying a prayer that all souls experience love, comfort, protection, energy, joy, peace, and gratitude.


We live within our minds our whole lives; we can’t expect anyone else to fully understand us. I hope you find time every day to get to know yourself a little bit better.


You can choose who you want to become. Do you want to live the rest of your life holding on to the past? Or do you want to let go of it so that you can transform your life? You are made new every day. You are given another chance every day. You deserve all of the chances you need in order to be okay.