What Each Zodiac Can Expect On Valentine’s Day, According To A Tarot Reader
Your Cards: Three of Wands and Queen of Swords
Love always comes with some sort of cost, whether it be the cost of giving up a part of yourself or the cost of emotional pain. There is no such thing as a perfect love, but you’re wondering if this investment is worth it. There’s no messing with you this Valentine’s Day, Aries. You’re not taking any more BS and you’ll find yourself feeling incredibly bold and magnetic.
Your Cards: Six of Pentacles and Nine of Wands
The second you allow yourself to let go will be the second you open yourself to what’s possible. There is something divine and poetic about this new cycle. What was once nothing will become something. You will give life its color. By allowing yourself this freedom on Valentine’s Day, you will run into the energy you put out.
Your Cards: The Chariot and Nine of Swords
Don’t think that by speaking your truth you run the risk of “ruining the moment”. Be honest with yourself and who you are. Things will unfold as they should once the truth is revealed. Valentine’s Day you may find yourself at odds between your shadow side and who you portray yourself to be.
Your Cards: The Sun and The Queen of Pentacles
Expect butterflies. This Valentine’s Day will feel like a warm spell in the middle of winter. There is a renewed sense of passion that you will experience. Things that were once stale feel brand new again. You’re allowing in more love than you imagined before and it’s giving you a reason to keep going.
Your Cards: Five of Swords and Strength
I think it’s a really good sign already that you got the Strength card. This card is assigned to your sign and is symbolic of the courage and mental fortitude that you possess, Leo. But with the Five of Swords, maybe you’ve forgotten this side of your true nature. This Valentine’s Day, you might be asking yourself, “Where is love going?” Are you waiting around, hoping for things to get better, only to realize you’re exactly where you started? You’re so much stronger than you think. Don’t fear Valentine’s Day. Embrace it. Be excited for it! I think you will be pleased to receive what you need, not what you expected.
Your Cards: Five of Swords and Six of Cups
There is something that you will say no to at first, then yes, and you’ll find yourself wondering if this was the right thing to do. Like you’re battling what feels right versus what you think is best. It’s a decision that might leave you feeling butterflies. Your cheeks will be colored like pink flowers. They are the keeper of your flame. Whatever decision you make, from that point on, what is meant to happen is a done deal.
Your Cards: Ten of Pentacles and Wheels of Fortune
Libra, you’re usually so put together and balanced, yet this Valentine’s Day, you may find yourself in a situation where you give into temptation. It might feel good in the moment, only to find yourself betrayed by your own emotions. What might seem like a sign from the universe could be an omen. What may look like doves in the distance could just be floating shopping bags. There is a lot of potential for a major turning point in your love life if you hold on to the power that you possess and never let it go.
Your Cards: Ten of Swords and Nine of Wands
You’re so used to feeling disappointment that you find yourself looking for every reason under the sun and the moon to push away anything with the potential to make you feel slightly out of emotional control. While you love the excitement that comes with a bit of danger, when it comes to your heart, you’d rather have the last laugh. This Valentine’s Day, embrace the unknown. Don’t let the butterflies scare you. They don’t have to be a bad omen anymore. Anxiety can transform into excitement on Valentine’s Day.
Your Cards: The Star and The Wheel of Fortune
You’ve held onto hope for so long, and you will finally see the tides turn for you. On my tarot deck is an illustration of a mermaid on The Star card. She pours a cup of water into the sea as she stares off into the night sky. This Valentine’s Day has the potential to feel like a cinematic fantasy come true. A night that feels like it should exist in a black-and-white movie. Let water flow and allow the alchemy of life to sweep you off your feet. You may find yourself spending time with your twin flame and have the adventure of a lifetime. With both The Star and The Wheel of Fortune, this will be a Valentine’s Day you never forget.
Your Cards: Five of Cups and Princess of Pentacles
You’re a practical sign, and for the most part, you know exactly what to expect every single day. Your plans are set and there is little that can change this. For you, Capricorn, you usually see Valentine’s Day as International Single’s Day, and to avoid disappointment, you plan this day ahead. That way if people ask if you’re busy, you can say yes without it being a lie. But this time around, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised by something unexpected. You might finally have the answer you’ve been waiting so long to hear. You don’t have to do anything to prepare, just go about this day as you would any other and let it unfold as it should.
Your Cards: Two of Cups and Ten of Swords
As I was reading your cards, blue stars, white bunnies, and a yellow moon popped up into my mind, so take that as you will. Valentine’s Day this year will be a chance for you to fall in love with love, not just in terms of who you love but rather the limitlessness of what love can be felt. You will feel a renewed sense of appreciation for beauty, nature, and the magic of everyday existence. With that said, you’ll be radiating this same energy, and it’ll be hard for anyone who crosses your path this Valentine’s Day to ignore it. This confidence will carry into other areas of your day. Expect sensuality.
Your Cards: Six of Wands and Five of Pentacles
The outside world won’t exist for the day. This Valentine’s Day, you will be able to get out of your head and stop fighting the things you don’t need to anymore. Allow yourself to feel guided by what is right. Trust your intuition. Explore your fantasies without being afraid of judgment. Choose who you wish to be today. It can be anyone that you want. Embody your inner idol.