What Every Zodiac Can Expect During The New Moon In New Moon (12/15), According To A Tarot Reader
On December 15, 2024, the Gemini new moon asks us to begin again. We’re eager to shift our mindsets, stimulate our brains, and learn new skills. According to a Tarot reader’s insights, read on to discover how this lunation will impact you.
Aries: Two of Swords
This Gemini new moon, you’re feeling torn. Avoiding it all, digging your head in the sand, and ignoring your problems is tempting. However, just saying these words aloud lets you know that’s not the answer. Take an honest look and make your best-informed choice here and now.
Taurus: Seven of Cups Reversed
You’re looking at life through a sharper lens. Illusions are clearing the way for revelations. It’s okay to admit you were looking through rose-colored glasses. Now, you’re ready to break free and reclaim empowerment.
Cancer: Nine of Wands
You feel withdrawn during this Gemini new moon and are on defense. You’ve fought long and hard to get where you’re at today. However, it’s time to drop the paranoia. There’s a way to protect your rights and what you need without shutting down others who want to help.
Leo: The Devil
You’re feeling codependent on someone or something outside of yourself to an extreme. This Tarot pull encourages you to use the new moon energy to liberate yourself from unhealthy habits, connections, or cycles.
Virgo: Eight of Swords Reversed
This Tarot pull denotes an empowering Gemini new moon experience. You’ve felt stuck lately, emotionally defeated. Your insecurities or fears of change are being swept away. Now, you’re ready to take charge and reclaim your agency.
Libra: Three of Wands
There’s an opportunity on the horizon. It feels good to confidently anticipate the good things coming on this Gemini new moon. You’re about to make breakthroughs. Keep your head held high and nurture your passions.
Scorpio: Three of Swords Reversed
Recovery is yours, this new moon. You’ve been hit where it hurts most, but your resilience shines on. Breakups, heartbreaks, losses, and other disappointments once diminished your spirit. However, you’re coming to accept what you cannot change, pursuing brighter days.
Sagittarius: Six of Cups
This Gemini new moon, you’re walking down memory lane, nurturing your inner child. You crave meaningful connection and restoring your innocent spirit with loved ones. There’s hope in the air when you remember where you came from, pay homage to good memories, and dedicate the future to creating more soft moments.
Capricorn: Nine of Swords
Worry and anxiety have got the best of you lately. This Gemini new moon illuminates your shadows, pushing you deep into despair. While this may feel defeating or heartbreaking, know that this will pass. By feeling it all, you heal it.
Aquarius: Two of Cups
You’re feeling warm and fuzzy feelings this Gemini new moon. Nurture relationships that deepen trust, commitment, and care. You deserve the compassionate love incoming. Don’t self-sabotage or run from this gentle embrace.
Pisces: Ace of Swords
You’ve waited for this moment of clarity for some time now. Confusing days and nights have left you puzzled. However, the Gemini new moon lets you make wise decisions and see matters objectively.