What Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn Can Expect This December, According To A Tarot Reader
The Earth Signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are known for being practical and reliable.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
The Past
The Fool (Reversed)
Being present is important, but so is being mindful of how the decisions we make echo through our lives.
The Present
Queen of Cups (Reversed)
There are a lot of difficult emotions you have to work through, denying that they exist isn’t helpful and neither is getting so overwhelmed by them you can’t make any choices.
The Challenge
5 of Wands
Challenge yourself to see a situation where competition has turned toxic from a variety of perspectives can help de-escalate.
Your Thoughts
3 of Cups (Reversed)
Socializing is a vital part of our human experience, and we can often discover language to describe our lives through the people we spend time around. When social energy is ‘out of whack’ it can be troubling and difficult to think through, especially when it involves our closest friends.
Your Subconscious
The Lovers
Subconsciously you’re aware of how important the people we choose in our lives are. It’s not just about sharing our lives with them, but it’s also about how those we surround ourselves with reflect our thoughts and values.
The Future
3 of Swords
Sorrow, heartbreak, and absence are hard feelings to bear. Being able to work through our grief is an important lesson to learn. It is never a fun lesson to learn.
2 of Pentacles
There’s a lot going on, and you can’t let anything drop.
Putting it All Together:
In your not-too-distant past, you didn’t do a lot of planning, opting instead for being spontaneous. Your experiences caused a lot of difficult emotions, and those around you have become less playful and more hostile in their reactions to you. You’d love to figure out a better way to communicate with them, but it’s all turned very toxic, and it might get worse if things don’t improve. Moving forward with a balanced approach between your head and your heart will be key.
The Past
8 of Wands
Things were moving fast, and items were getting checked off the to-do list at a pleasing rate. While it got a little bumpy and a little overly intense, it wasn’t anything that you weren’t able to handle. Everything was streamlined and orderly.
The Present
The Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)
There are times when, regardless of preparation, everything feels like it’s just left to fate. Luck can be good, luck can be bad, and other times it just oscillates between the two. It can leave us feeling out of control and like things are unstable.
The Challenge
7 of Cups
Having big, wild, fanciful ideas is good. Being able to dream about things that are larger than life is a part of innovating and inventing. The issue comes in when you are dreaming so much you can’t bring that dream back into this world.
Your Thoughts
Queen of Pentacles
Economic security is the thing that won’t let your thoughts go right now. Your pragmatic concerns ultimately serve your mental and emotional health – it’s through your solid foundation and grounding thoughts that you’re able to get traction and make progress.
Your Subconscious
9 of Cups
Subconsciously, you feel as though you’ve set the table to attract just what you’re hoping to see in life. You’re developing the ability to fine-tune your detailed vision of your goals.
The Future
2 of Cups (Reversed)
There’s a real push-pull going on in a relationship that’s important to you. Be sure to center your compassion and grace when dealing with the situation so it doesn’t get out of hand.
The Emperor (Reversed)
Don’t give your power away. True power over oneself lies in being protective, compassionate, and loving. You can be your ultimate authority.
Putting it All Together:
Things were streamlined and moving fast before everything started to get a bit tangled. You’re concerned about a lot of things, especially finding security when things feel so touch and go. While you feel you’ve done the work necessary to bring good things into your life, there are also complications in relationships that are challenging you.
The Past
7 of Cups
Having too many choices can make a decision far more difficult. This is exacerbated when the possibilities we create for ourselves don’t take into account reality.
The Present
6 of Swords (Reversed)
You thought you had been making good progress but things have gotten stuck. You’re feeling stagnant, and that is bringing uncertainty and anxiety into an already stressful situation.
The Challenge
5 of Pentacles
Material resources are scarce, and it’s impacting your ability to think through all of the options that are actually on the table for you. Being frugal can help you, but giving into a poverty or scarcity mindset won’t.
Your Thoughts
2 of Swords
You’re weighing choices of what you should do, but don’t feel like you have enough information to accurately understand the risks, much less be able to feel out what the outcome could be.
Your Subconscious
4 of Wands
Subconsciously, stability and the feeling of arriving at a long-term home are big driving forces right now. You’re ultimately seeking that sense of accomplishment that can be enhanced by having found both purpose and community.
The Future
10 of Pentacles
You’ll soon find yourself in a joyous time filled with harmony, love, and bliss experienced within a happy home within a community. Be grateful for all of the gifts within the moment.
The Sun
Let go of the negative narratives you carry and instead shine your light into the world. Not only can it uncover big truths, it can spread badly-needed joy.
Putting it All Together:
You recently had difficulties in coming up with a grounded plan for action, and it’s led you to feeling stagnant and stuck. You’re also facing challenges with resources, which is impacting your mindset and your ability to see the situation clearly enough to know how to move forward and find the stability and security of home that you seek. If you can let go of your negative narratives and instead realize and embrace the joy and light that you bring to the world, you may find the answers you seek are far closer than you think.