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What You Need To Read This Week, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Love is the most peaceful emotion ever. Stop telling yourself that it’s supposed to hurt. Or better yet, distance yourself from the people who make you question how you should be loved.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Maybe we held on a little too long to the people who didn’t deserve us because we had more good in our hearts than they did. Maybe we saw them for how they could have been if they had a heart like ours. But they didn’t, and maybe they never will. Hearts like ours are special. They should be treasured, not broken.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Please, don’t be so afraid of losing people.
There is nothing more scary or lonely
than losing yourself trying to please people
that were never meant for you anyway.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Stop spending your time with people who make you feel incomplete. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you need another person to make you whole. You are already whole.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Stop believing that you need to be in a relationship to feel validated. I would much rather be validated as my own person than validated as somebody else’s person. Please don’t get into a relationship until you can see your worth as your own person first. Another person should never define you, even if you are in a relationship. Be you because of who you are, not because of who someone else is.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Some days you need to simply look in the mirror and say to yourself, “I did what I could today, and it’s enough.”

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Letting someone go doesn’t always mean
that you don’t love them anymore.
It means that you love yourself enough
to become the person you need to be without them.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


We can be our own worst enemy sometimes. We often think or expect the worst because it’s the easiest thing to believe when we don’t believe in ourselves.

Instead of being your own worst enemy, be a little kinder to yourself. Give yourself the credit you deserve, and try to see the situation for how it is and not how you have created it in your mind.

Give your mind a little rest, beautiful. Save that brain space for new ideas and new adventures, for the things you love and the people you love.

Breathe in, breathe out. You’ve got this.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


It’s okay to do things a little differently, it’s okay to be a bit behind or on a completely different path entirely. It’s okay to have different dreams for your life. It’s okay to live a life that some people don’t understand.

It’s okay to live your life for you. It’s okay to not compare your life to anyone else’s and to create your own goals and your own happiness — whatever that looks like to you. We’ve only got one life; it’s okay to spend it in a way that makes you happy.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


No matter how perfect we aspire to be, and no matter how many things we promised ourselves we would do, sometimes all the things we wanted to achieve just can’t happen in one day, and that’s okay. That’s real life. So whenever you have a bad day, just pick yourself right back up — chances are you achieved more than you thought you did. Chances are you’re just being hard on yourself. Tomorrow is a new day. Allow yourself to begin again.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Wait for happiness. I promise it exists. It might not feel like it right now, but one day you’ll wake up and everything will feel right. You’ll be content with who you are and where you’re going. Life will make sense. You’ll still have good days and bad days, but it’s okay because you’ll know everything is as it should be.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)


Never assume it’s a weakness to give love as openly as you do. People may take it for granted or take advantage of it, but promise me you’ll never change because of it. Some of the most amazing individuals you’ll come across in this life are the kind that never let the bad change the good in them. So keep seeing the good in everyone and keep spreading your love without fear. The world needs more people like you.

Charlotte Freeman, Everything You’ll Ever Need (You Can Find Within Yourself)