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What Your Friends Really Think Of You, Based On Your Birth Month


Your friends wish they could talk about something without you turning it into a debate. They love that you’re opinionated and strong-willed, but too much of that and they feel like they no longer have a voice.


Your friends wish that you wouldn’t put so much of your value on whether you’re in a relationship. Being an empathetic romantic is great, but the depression you fall into when you get rejected is tough to watch. They just want what’s best for you.


Your friends think that you’re fiery and burn bright. It means that you’re fun when they want to get out of the house but you can sometimes be a bit much when they want to be low-key.


Your friends love that you can be counted on to make decisions. Unfortunately, that confidence sometimes leads to the wrong decisions, which gets the whole group in trouble.


You care so much about your friends, and they love you for it. Their only complaint may be that you tend to be too much of a rule-follower. Sometimes getting a little wild is the right move.


Emotions are great, but your friends wish you wouldn’t be so sensitive. They don’t mean it in the “your emotions bother us” way, but in the “we wish you could be as happy and amazing and we know you are.”


Your friends wish you would initiate more hang-outs. You’re often stuck in hermit mode, which means you could disappear for weeks or months at a time if your friends didn’t actively pursue you. It can be kind of exhausting.


You’re generous, which is great in general, but your friends wish that you’d be a little more careful with who you help. They hate watching you get taken advantage of. On the plus side, you aren’t afraid to get angry when you do get duped by someone.


Your friends are getting tired of all the over-analysis you do. It can be fun to sit and analyze a text before sending it, but only for a little while. At some point you just have to shut off that voice in your head telling you that everything means something.


Your friends love you when they’re on your good side. But they know–because they’ve seen it firsthand–that you can be downright cruel to people who cross you. Honestly, your friends are a little afraid of you.


Your friends love your empathy and they know they can go to you when they need help. Unfortunately, that also means that you’ll often neglect your own wants and needs in favor of others’. Your true friends wish that you’d put even half the amount of care into yourself as you do them.


Your friends love your confidence–some of the time. It’s all well and good to have confidence, but you often straddle the border into egomania. Keep yourself in check or you might catch more than a few people rolling their eyes when they think you’re not looking.