Thought Catalog Agency

What’s Eating These 4 Zodiac Signs On November 21


Gemini is longing for comfort. All this hustle and bustle and go-go-go attitude lacks a vision or purpose, and they are starting to fear that there is no greater good behind the grind and they are in for all stick and no carrot. There is this idea in their minds of what ‘making it’ looks like, and they project it onto other people around them, while feeling like it’s a destination they can’t plug into their own internal GPS. Gemini needs to reassess and reevaluate with an internal criteria that doesn’t rely on or require the interest or involvement of others. Their Happiness North Star isn’t a relationship or a promotion or any other arbitrary milestone. They need a concrete goal they can impact and achieve through their own effort and exertion. The constant dissatisfaction they’ve been feeling stems from the never-ending circus that is trying-to-please-other-people. It’s like trying to catch up to a race that was never theirs to run in the first place.


Aquarius is fed up with a person or a place or a feeling that has burrowed so far under their skin it seems almost impossible to separate the two at this point. But the truth is, that may be the best and most overlooked solution at this point. Aquarius is failing to see how voluntary and optional their own suffering is. They don’t have to stay in that job, relationship, apartment, or state. Thousands of alternate realities exist within arms reach, as simply as by willing it to be so. They feel trapped by their own circumstances, with nothing to focus on but the negative, rehashing the same complaints time and time again like a blender that keeps stirring ingredients that are already fully combined, doing nothing more than wasting energy and creating unpleasant noise. Whatever they’ve convinced themselves they positively can’t needs to be revisited and recognized as a completely plausible option. It’s like looking for your car keys in a place you’ve already checked twice—seemingly useless, but absolutely necessary.


Leo is annoyed that nobody is on board for their latest whim. Everyone is too busy, too uninterested, unmotivated, distracted, or otherwise unwilling to participate in Leo’s desires and endeavors. It’s started to hold Leo back, because when they do whatever they want in life, they always do it with an entourage. But when there is no entourage to be found, Leo has a hard time getting things going on their own. Sometimes you have to book a solo trip, start your own business, plant your own garden, walk your own dog and know that whatever you’re building will be your responsibility but also your own personal reward. If people can’t see the immediate value in your proposal, it’s not about proving them wrong, but about proving to yourself that you were right. Don’t let everyone else’s feelings get in the way of the life experiences that hold the most weight for you personally. Everyone has their own callings and challenges in life—you can’t miss out because others are called to a different path.


Pisces is the best at imagining fantasy to the extreme; parallel life paths, alternate realities, multiple universes all fall into the realm of possibility for them. But ironically, the one thing they’re terrible at is imagining things that could feasibly come into fruition for them in the short term. Finishing a project, planning a trip, asking for a promotion, redecorating their living space are all much more intimidating than flying cars or reincarnation. Pisces finds comfort in the impossible because there’s no room for disappointment or error. For getting things wrong or losing out to the competition. For having to try again, and again, and again until they get it right and achieve their goal. Pure imagination of the most fantastical sort does not require any action or decision making. Today is the day Pisces sees that flaw in the naked light of day and feels a deep need to do something about it, to put the power of their own mind to a more practical use.