Why Being Stuck Is Actually Good For You
There are moments in your life when you’re going to feel stuck.
You’re going to feel like your life is heading in a direction that you don’t want. You’re going to feel like you have no choice, and that will cause you pain and suffering. I’m here to tell you that feeling is good for you.
Because when you’re stuck, you open yourself up to options. You have a choice to keep going through the same life path or change the degrees of your direction. A small shift in your degree of direction can lead you to a different destination.
Here’s why being stuck is good for you.
You’re shown what’s wrong. When you’re stuck in a situation, it’s your mind, body, and soul telling you something is off. It’s acting like a warning sign. Deep down, it’s telling you that you’re not okay with where you are. So now, you have a choice. You can keep ignoring the inner voice that knows and let your ego win. When you do, you act based on your fears because you know it will cost you to move forward.
You’re slowly figuring out what you want. When our body and our mind are misaligned, we become misaligned. When we’re stuck, it’s our body telling us that the current situation is not what we want. It’s pushing you towards something better, which manifests as pain. You may feel resistance. You may feel like you don’t deserve something better. But that’s not true. You’re on this planet for a reason. And your job is to figure out what your purpose is.
You’re on your way to resilience. When you’re on the other side of the suffering, you’ve slowly unraveled a stronger, more confident, and more resilient person. You wouldn’t have known that person exists inside of you if you didn’t push through. When you move forward, you become closer to the person you’re meant to be. The one who fulfills her dreams no matter what.
You learn to fight for your dreams. When you’re stuck, everything seems dark. You have dreams, but they’re cloudy and seem unattainable. Once you decide to be unstuck, each day becomes a brighter day. Your dream feels closer. Each day you wake up, you’re filled with new ideas, and your energy matches what you want to manifest. Being stuck is something you become grateful for.
You slowly fall in love back with your life. Being stuck is painful, but it’s like a piece of gum. One way or another, you’ll get out of it. And when that happens, you slowly appreciate your life. The things you took for granted because you were in your head will be your anchors to being more present. You’ll thank your past self for the roof, the job, the coffee it’s provided you today. And then the higher version of you takes the lead.
Your past self got you here. And now, you’re stuck because you need to step into a higher version of yourself. Even though it’s painful and frustrating, it only means that you’re growing.