Why Everyone Feels Safe Around You, Based On Your Birth Month
To make someone else feel safe in your presence is a gift. That said, how someone makes another person feel safe varies. Here’s what makes people feel safe with you, based on your birth month.
People feel safe with you because you’re a great listener. You’re sincerely interested in other people and their experiences. You ask wonderful, pertinent questions and keep the focus on the person you’re conversing with. In short, you make people feel heard and this goes a long way.
People feel safe with you because you give excellent advice. You’re always available to give your opinion on any issue someone may be struggling with. You have great intuition and this translates to others’ situations as well. People feel safe with you because they know you’ll always steer them in the right direction.
People feel safe with you because you’re emotionally validating. You’re as empathetic as they come and make room for anyone to feel what they feel when they feel it. You validate emotions because you know that everyone’s feelings are valid. This makes people feel safe because they don’t feel like they have to put up a front around you. They truly can just be themselves.
People feel safe with you because you’re non-judgmental. You know everyone has things they’re insecure about and that no one is perfect. People feel safe with you because they know they can come to you with pretty much anything and you wouldn’t hold it against them. Instead, you’d try and understand.
People feel safe with you because you are more the merrier. You’re always down to do pretty much anything. You always want to make sure others are having a great time and will do everything in your power to make sure no one feels left out.
People feel safe with you because of your positive energy. You are truly a ray of light. You always try and find the best in any situation. And, if there is nothing good to be found, you don’t let it color your whole mood. You accept everything for what it is and move on.
People feel safe with you because you’re incredibly caring. You truly enjoy taking care of other people because you firmly believe that we’re on this planet to help one another. And that you do. You’re the type of person who never forgets a birthday, will bring chicken noodle soup to a friend who is sick, and are the person people know they can call with a problem at 2 AM.
People feel safe with you because you’re really fun to talk to. You’ve mastered the art of conversation. You are engaging and witty and know how to keep a conversation rolling without it ever getting stale. You’re interesting and interested and that is your superpower.
People feel safe with you because you are always down to help out. You’re the person people call when they need help cleaning their room, figuring out their budget, and running to the grocery store. You’re the type of person people know they can always depend on. You’re reliable and responsible and don’t let the people you love down ever.
People feel safe with you because you have very calming presence. You’re balanced and fair. You’re basically the human version of the Calm app. You can talk anyone down from a spiral and make them feel at ease again. Your peaceful demeanor makes everyone feel safe.
People feel safe with you because you’re deeply loyal. You would never betray someone else’s confidence. You value loyalty and sincerity above all else and hold yourself to those same standards in your own relationships. You stand by your loved ones’ sides when things get tough. You’re a constant in people’s lives and this makes people feel safe and taken care of.
People feel safe with you because you make people feel special. For example, when you’re talking to someone, you engage with them as if they’re the most interesting person on the planet. And this is sincere. Because when you’re with someone, you’re with them and nowhere else. You give your undivided attention and make people feel important. This is a gift. Never lose it.