Why You Have “Safe Energy” Based On Your Birth Order
Here is why everyone feels safe around you, based on your birth order.
Only Child
You make people feel important.
If you are the only child, you make everyone feel safe because you make people feel important. You are excellent at giving your undivided attention to others and treat them as though they are the most important and interesting person to you. And it is sincere, because in that moment, they are the most important and interesting person to you.
Oldest Child
You make people feel taken care of.
If you are the only child, you make everyone feel safe because you make people feel taken care of. You have probably been designated as the “mom” or “dad” of your friend group because of this. You genuinely enjoy taking care of others and are always looking for new ways to make sure someone is as comfortable and happy as they can be when they are around you.
Middle Child
You make people feel seen.
If you are an only child, you make everyone feel safe because you make people feel seen. You are deeply empathetic and know that most people just want to be understood. And so, when you are talking to someone else, you listen to get to know them better. You ask questions and make sure they know you are paying attention and interested in what they have to say. No one ever feels invisible when you are around.
Youngest Child
You make people feel appreciated.
If you are the youngest child, you make everyone feel safe because you make people feel appreciated. You are free with a compliment and are constantly letting others know the little things you notice and love about them. You are a deeply gracious person and never miss an opportunity to let someone know how much they mean to you.
You make people feel included.
If you are a twin or part of a set of multiples, you make everyone feel safe because you are incredibly inclusive. More the merrier is always your motto and no one ever feels out of place under your watch. You go out of your way to make sure everyone is having fun and knows that they are welcome and wanted.